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               ELITE        Vol.1, Issue 32, June 2021                                                ﺔﻴﺑﺮ #

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      "COVID crisis did not create monopolies in Egypt , it only
                                                  author details
                              intensified its existent trends"

        Dr  Mona  further  explained  the  situation  as  follows;  it  can  be  and  the  extent  and  scope  of  application  may  affect
        said that the Egyptian market still has a lot to do to absorb the  competition  negatively  if  left  unchecked,  like  what
        competition protection law and prevent monopolistic practices,  happened In the media sector and the control of the United
        and  this  will  eventually  help  the  growth  of  the  Egyptian  Company over the media, and this is what the state is trying
        economy  and  create  more  job  opportunities  and  reassure  to  re-solve  recently  to  restore  competition  between  the
        investors,  whether  Egyptian  or  foreign  investors,  that  it  can  media production sectors, and thus the state’s intervention
        work  in  the  Egyptian  market  where  there  is  fairness  and  method, the duration for which it lasts, and the approach it
        transparency  in  standards  and  competition,  and  that  the  state  follows,  all  of  this  affects  the  management  of  the
        does not favor one investor over the other.            competition process.

        Crises have always been an opportunity for market manipulation  Moving  on,  the  state  bears  the  responsibility  for
        and monopoly, and speaking of the crises, the closest and most  implementing  and  managing  huge  national  projects
        widespread  crisis  nowadays  is  Covid-19,  at  the  local  and  (especially in the real estate sector), which is an important
        international levels. We asked Dr. Mona for her opinion on  driver  for  achieving  development,  but  it  undoubtedly
        the ongoing crisis, and the challenges imposed by the it on  imposes major challenges on the freedom of the market and
        the freedom of the market and the adequacy of competition.  the role of the private sector. Therefore, we had to ask Dr.
        Dr. Mona started off by explaining that crises, in general, are an  Mona how can the negative impact of these challenges be
        opportunity  for  some  weak-minded  people  to  carry  out  reduced? She stated that there must be rules for the state's
        monopolistic  practices,  and  the  state  has  sought  to  provide  practice  of  economic  activity,  with  transparency  in
                                                               information and fairness in the opportunities available to it
        goods and aid to the private sector in production, especially in  and the private sector, and there should be no advantages for
        the  areas  of  food,  detergents,  and  hospital  needs.    However,  government  companies  over  the  private  sector;  as  this  will
        when it comes to Covid-19's crisis, its problem is that it caused  negatively affect competition, and sometimes the state may
        a  disaster  in  the  supply  and  demand  market.  Yet,  that  doesn't  have  the  purpose  of  interfering  in  a  specific  sector  for  a
        mean that this crisis was the original cause of the monopolistic  while,  such  as  the  real  estate  sector,  to  work  on  providing
        practices, because they existed before way before Covid-19 and  housing  units  for  people  with  limited  income  and  this  is
        will continue after it; but it's still safe to say that the monopoly  acceptable, but this is a specific role, so the longer the period
        crisis was more violent under Covid-19.                and the circumstances and the varying conditions, the greater
          The  greatest  impact  on  competition  was  with  the  economic  the  damage  to  private  sector  companies;  hence,  it  causes
        reform program and the state's tendency to replace the private  losses  to  the  private  sector  if  it  cannot  compete  with  state
        sector in some activities, and it may be good in some areas for  companies.
        some time to solve some crises, but the method of its application

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