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               ELITE        Vol.1, Issue 32, June 2021                                                ﺔﻴﺑﺮ #

                                                  Cover image

                                                     article title
         author pic

              "The knwoledge I acquired  at FEPS empowered my

                                                  author details
               professional experience with depth and a sense of

                                              methodology "

        with  her  parents;  she  believes  that  she  wouldn't  be  able  to  We had to seize the opportunity to discuss with Dr. Mona
        achieve it all it weren't for them, Her husband is also another  about  working  as  the  chairman  of  the  Competition
        family member that she is entirely grateful for their constant  Protection Authority, thus, we  asked  her  what  are  the
        support, explaining that he motivated her during the toughest  main  challenges  to  achieving  acceptable  competition
        times, for instance, whilst completing her masters and PHD.  in the Egyptian market? In the beginning, she clarified
        His  siblings  and  children  played  a  huge  role  in  shaping  her  the  overlap  between  her  academic  and  professional  life
        into the icon she is today, with their constant support.    was useful in achieving what she wanted, highlighting o
        On the other hand, when it comes to college connections, she  working in the Authority for Competition Protection and
        regarded each and everybody around her as a bless in disguise,  Antitrust Practices as a a very important, more of turning
        sent from God. During each academic stage, she had people  point  on  her  career.  She  was  then  appointed  as  the
        that  took  her  and  and  guided  her,  facilitating  the  complex  chairman of the Board of Directors for the period between
        steps  along  her  way;  this  was  through  the  provided  advices  2012, up until 2018. During this period she implemented
        and  opportunities  from  her  professors  and  colleagues,  or  all  the  economic  approaches  she  had  studied,  and  she
        simply through listening and learning from their experiences.  faced numerous challenges. According to Dr. Mona, the
        On the top of her head, she mentioned Dr. Alia Al-Mahdi, Dr.  most unforgettable challenge was that of the introduction
        Heba  Nassar,  Dr.  Samiha  Fawzy,  Dr.  Laila  Al-Khawaja,  as  of  the  newly  developed  law  of  Competition  Protection
        those to whom she really appreciates their efforts with her and  Authority;  Dr.  Mona  and  her  team  has  worked  hard  on
        owes them the utmost respect.                           raising awareness round competition protection, and they
                                                                still have a long way ahead of them.
        Following  up,  when  asked  about  the  difference  between  This  experience  also  allowed  her  to  apply  what  she
        switching from a student's seat to a professor's seat and its  studied  in  economics  on    ground,  as  well  as  learning
        effect on a personal level, Dr Mona explained that the main  about  the  Egyptian  market  and  its  competition
        difference  lies  within  the  accumulated  experience  gained  in  mechanisms,  and  create  some  e-  corrections  and
        the field. She also believes that the a professor must always  adjustments related to the status of competition protection
        specify what he aims to reach and be, in order to build a frim  in the market, and it allowed her to study any market and
        personality  according  to  it;  and  thus,  a  strong  personality  obtain  and  examine  any  data,  alongside  integrating
        backed up with floods of knowledge, will combine in creating  academic and professional aspects and transferring them
        an  icon  in  the  field,  and  that  is  what  any  professor  should  to all parties in the market and in business and in social
        work towards; a decent and remarkable autobiography.    communication.

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