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               ELITE        Vol.1, Issue 32, June 2021                                                ﺔﻴﺑﺮ #

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               Prof. Mona Elgarf ,Former Chairwoman of Egyptian Competition Authority :

                                                  author details
            Our state developmental role requires more justice

                 between the state companies and private ones

        Cairo : Nermine Tawfik, Mariam Hefny and Hanya Bahaa    Moving on, we asked Dr Mona about her relationships
                                                                with  her  professors,  and  the  faculty  in  general.  She
        Classified amongst Forbes' 100 most powerful and influential  described herself as an engaging student who was always
        women for the year 2016,  alongside being  the Chairman of  determined to participate in student activities, but not as
        the  Board  of  Directors  of  the  Competition  Protection  engaging when it came to student unions; she had never
        Authority for the period between 2012 to 2018, Dr Mona El  joined one. She also added: "I was keen to follow up and
        Garf is a renowned economist and one of the most prominent  attend the activities without being active in them".  As for
        specialists  in  the  field  in  Egypt.  She  is  also  amongst  the  her  relationship  with  her  professors,  she  believes  that  it
        esteemed  teaching  staff  in  the  Faculty  of  Economics  and  was built on mutual respect, but in a few cases touched
        Political Science. We, as the editors of Elite, had the honor to  with  fears,  one  that  it's  tinged  with  respect  as  well.
        meet the one and only Dr Mona to get up close and personal  Adding up, she also believes that each professor has left
        with her about her remarkable journey.                  their  unique  imprint  on  her,  which    contributed  in

                                                                building her into the intellectual person she is in today.
        We  kicked  off  our  interview  by  asking  how  did  her  Furthermore, as per her say: "I feel super proud knowing
        relationship  with  the  Faculty  of  Economics  and  Political  that I was one of the few lucky students that were taught
        Science begin, or in other words, why did she pick it? We  by  academic  legends,  including  Dr.  Refaat  al-Mahjoub,
        found out that it was no coincidence, and that Dr Mona in fact
        was keen to join the faculty because she was passionate about  Dr. Abdel-Fattah Qandil, Dr. Amr Mohieldin, Ahmed Al-
        it. Her passion and desires had been built over the years, after  Ghandour  and  many  others”,  adding  that  all  her
        closely watching her father, who is a Law professor; Dr Mona  professors at the time time were very keen to pass their
        watched  him  as  he  always  discussed  Egypt's  political  and  experiences and knowledge to their students, not only thr
        economic affairs in each an every chance he got, thus began  academic base, but also the social life basis; she recalled
        her  fasciation  with  analyzing  these  affairs  as  well.  all the wise life lessons she had leaned from Dr. Gouda
        Accordingly,  she  did  her  outmost  during  highs  school  and  Abdel Khaleq, ones that she now implement in manifold
        saved herself a spot amongst the few lucky students of Cairo  life situations.
        University's Faculty of Economics and Political Science.  She  We  were  eager  to  know  to  whom  is  Dr.  Mona  is
        said that her entry to the Faculty of Economics and Political
        Science.  It  was  her  childhood  dream,  and  she  couldn't  be  Grateful for? The question took Dr. Mona by surprise, as
        happier that she made it happen.                        she  began  thinking  and  relaized  that  she  owes  her
                                                                successful journey to many different people, starting off
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