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ELITE Vol.1, Issue 32, June 2021 ﺔﻴﺑﺮ #
FEPS Agreement with the IOM to create
Migration Research Unit
Yasmin Tarek, Economics, 4thlevel
On the first of June 2021, The International FEPS is an outstanding opportunity to create an
Organization for Migration (IOM) in Egypt, educational and practical environment that
in cooperation with the Egyptian Ministry of enhances and increases the coordinated
Foreign Affairs, signed a Memorandum of production of migration research in Egypt, as it
Understanding (MoU) with Cairo is a highly regarded and distinguished center in
University's Faculty of Economics and the fields of education and scientific research.
Political Science (FEPS) within the Centre Especially since the expansion of knowledge and
for Economic and Financial Research and theories connected to immigration. and work is a
Studies (CEFRS), to establish a unit for unique expertise in the economic sphere,
migration studies with the goal of improving encompassing political, statistical, and
administrative research.
communication among migration experts and CEFRS will host a series of educational seminars
expanding knowledge, analysis, and data on and workshops to learn about migration concerns
all aspects of migration. and their economic and social consequences in
The MRU's (Migration Research Unit) Egyptian society. To benefit from remittances
creation is a great opportunity to improve from foreign workers as one of the aspects of the
migration research, which coincides with balance of payments and components of foreign
Egypt's efforts to improve implementation of revenue, and their impact on the national
the Global Compact for Migration and the product, work, and investment, as well as to keep
Sustainable Development Goals, specifically track of the benefits and drawbacks of this topic
Goal 10 "Reduced Inequalities" and target and the reasons for it. Moreover, the MSU will
10.7 on fostering safe, orderly, and be aided by the construction of an electronic
responsible migration and human mobility, library of IOM online resources, which will
as well as SDG 17, on developing comprise a large number of migration-related
partnerships to achieve SDGs 10 and 17. scholarly publications