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               ELITE        Vol.1, Issue 32, June 2021                                                ﺔﻴﺑﺮ #

                                      Semiannual Membership Report

                                                          of the IMF

                                                   Written by:Walid Wael
                                                  4th Year, Political Science

       Mahmoud Mohieldin, the Executive Director of the International There  was  a  call  for  action  regarding  the  climate  change.
       Monetary Fund, said that, after the corona virus crisis, many states For it to be effective, it should be considered as one of the
       face  many  economic  dangers  if  they  weren’t  able  to  quickly sustainable  development  goals  of  the  UN.  In  addition,  the
       recover and become resilient. The Office of the Executive Director crisis  of  COVID-19  added  more  problems  and  delayed
       of the IMF seeks to include all countries in the policy discussions many  plans  to  face  problems  like  food  insecurity  and
       and  protect  their  economy  from  falling.  The  semiannual  environmental  degradation.  Many  poor  countries  were  not
       membership report of the IMF that was issued in November 2020  able to face all this which led to more crises.
       came  to  discuss  specific  economic  issues  like  sustainability,
       digitalization,  debt  management,  general  special  drawing  rights  However,  the  pandemic  led  to  speeding  up  the  digital
       allocation,  and  the  heavily  indebted  poor  countries  (HIPC)  debt  transformation.  Countries  that  have  well-developed  digital
       relief initiative and applying it on Sudan. The report turned to the  infrastructure  were  the  winners  during  this  crisis  as  they
       statement made in the IMFC that was held in 2021. It was also  benefitted from having the new e-commerce, e-banking and
       mentioned some details regarding the several meetings including  developed ICT that helps economy greatly. The IMF has a
       those concerned with the middle east and African countries. The  great  role  in  assisting  countries  to  develop  their  digital
       report mentioned some Arab states in details to track the spending  infrastructure  in  order  to  resist  the  casualties  of  the
       of the funds provided to them, including the countries of the Gulf.
       The  report  then  concluded  by  discussing  some  issues  released  From  another  perspective,  the  IMF’s  executive  office  is
       related to economy like globalization.
                                                                emphasizing the major role of the organization in managing
                                                                the  debt  issues  of  the  developing  countries  which  were
                                                                exacerbated  as  a  result  of  the  Corona  Crisis.  The  G-20’s
                                                                Debt  Service  Suspension  Initiative  had  a  role  in  helping
                                                                low-income countries pass the crisis. The initiative provided
                                                                several  billions  to  help  these  countries.  The  board  of  the
                                                                IMF convened to assess public debt sustainability in market-
                                                                access  countries  and  had  a  multi-dimensional  approach  to
                                                                tackle  debt  vulnerabilities.  The  board  of  the  IMF  also
                                                                approved  a  general  allocation  of  650  million  Special
                                                                Drawing  Rights  (SDRs),  which  was  encouraged  so  much,
                                                                and it is expected to take place next August.

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