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               ELITE        Vol.1, Issue 32, June 2021                                                ﺔﻴﺑﺮ #

         The dialogue we shared within the interview
         was really enjoyable, given that they were all
         incredibly friendly, and were also surprisingly

         relatable. They were all hoping to convey their
         shared experiences on all our students, and to
         showcase  how  everyone  goes  through  this

         hard  stage.    We  realized  a  similar  pattern
         within their answers when they were asked if
         there  is  a    difference  in  life  between

         university  and  after  it;  they  all  stressed  on    opted for mentioning how they miss having
         the  fact  that  university  life  was  filled  with    a summer vacation, and how they also miss
         pressure,  however  that  regardless  of  the           faculty  members,  who  they  had  good

         number  of  assignments  you  have,  or  how            relationships  with.  Overall,  we  could
         much you have to study, in the end it all pays          conclude  that  they  were  all  missing  the

         off, and you get a vacation, especially one like        presences  of  university  in  their  lives,  and
         summer  vacation.  They  also  all  emphasized          how  they  were  definitely  attached  to  that
         on  the  troubling  post-university  stage,  when       phase  in  their  lives.  When  we  asked  them

         graduates are searching for the ideal job, and          what  they  would  do  differently,  we  also
         are completely imbalanced.                              received different answers. Freddy was fully

                                                                 satisfied  with  his  university  experience,  as
                                                                 he  got  the  chance  to  travel,  learn,  make
                                                                 friends, enroll in various student experiences

                                                                 and  most  importantly  have  fun.  However
                                                                 this  was  not  the  same  for  Manar  for

                                                                 example,  who  wished  she  had  participated
                                                                 more in student activities, learned how to be
                                                                 more sociable with her peers,and expand her

         Following  up,  the  graduates  were  asked  were
         asked about their most memorable moments
         in  university,  what  they  miss  the  most  and

         what they wish they had did but didn’t do,
         we found several differences in their answers.
         Obviously,  a  lot  of  them  mentioned  their

         friends  and  all  their  outings,  which  made  us
         glad  because  we  love  to  see  the  connection
         between  students  of  the  economics  and  the

         political  science,  and  to  simply  reminisce  on
         their old friends. Others

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