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ELITE Vol.1, Issue 32, June 2021 ﺔﻴﺑﺮ #
Visit of the President of the Francophone
Organization to the FEPS
Yasmin Tarek, Economics, 4thlevel
The AUF (Union of Francophone
On Monday, May 31, 2021, a high-level Universities) is a global network of French-
delegation from the Francophone University speaking higher education and research
Agency (AUF) headed by Dr. Salim Khalbous, institutions. It was founded in Montreal,
President of the Agency, visited the headquarters Quebec, Canada in 1961, as the
of the Business Incubator at the Faculty of Association of Universities partly or wholly
Economics and Political Science. This visit
came on the sidelines of their visit to Egypt, to for the French language. It is a multilateral
sign framework partnership agreements between institution that supports cooperation and
the African Union of Francophonie and the solidarity between universities and
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Higher francophone institutions. It operates in
Education and Scientific Research (Minister francophone and non-speaking countries in
Khaled Abdel Ghaffar and Deputy Minister Africa, the Arab world, Southeast Asia,
Ayman Ashour). The delegation held several North and South America, the Caribbean,
work and discussion meetings with the deans of and Central, Eastern and Western Europe.
AUF member universities, such as Cairo In 2020, it has 1,007 members (public and
University and Alexandria University, the private universities, institutes of higher
Egyptian-Japanese University, the French education, research centers and institutions,
University in Egypt, Senghor University in institutional networks, networks of
Alexandria, Al-Azhar University, Helwan
University and El Alamein University. In university administrators) distributed
addition to the campus visits, the delegation throughout French-speaking countries on
visited many cultural places, they took a guided six continents. The agency is active in 119
tour to the new National Museum of Egyptian countries and is represented by regional
Civilization and Al-Azhar Mosque. offices and information centers in
universities and institutes.