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               ELITE        Vol.1, Issue 32, June 2021                                                ﺔﻴﺑﺮ #

                                      "The departure of the most prominent

                                             militant of the 20th century"

                                                                                   Ramez El-Shishy

          Every  century  has  its  heroes  and  characters,  and   Hafez coordinated with President Sadat during the
          these  people  who  are  in  this  century  may  be  Israeli  siege  of  the  valiant  city,  prompting  Sadat  to
          politicians,  artists,  doctors,  philosophers,  and  even  order  the  opening  of  the  third  army  field  weapons
          militants. In fact, times of adversity are the revealing  depots  to  provide  Hafez  and  the  guerrillas  with
          true minerals of men, as they say, Omar al-Mukhtar  weapons  and  other  general  mobilization  to
          in  Libya,  Ernesto  Chi  Guevara  in  Latin  America,  participate in the resistance of the enemy.
          and Hafez Salama in Egypt, who fought tirelessly in
          defending  the  valiant  city  of  Suez,  his  hometown  Grandfather  of  Suez's  people  has  participated  in
          against the Israelis. However, before addressing his  many  charities  in  Suez,  and  his  social  and  political
          militant life, we must know who Hafez Salama that   role continued in the revolutions of the Arab Spring,
          has always been a symbol of the century.            and his statements his remained important during the
                                                              political unrest that the Egyptian state went through,
          Sheikh Hafez Ali Ahmed Salama was born in Suez      simply because he is a symbol of the century and for
          on December 6, 1925, during the English occupation  his struggles that were similar and reached the point
          of Egypt, and was the fourth son of his father, who  of conformity between him and other great militants
          worked in the textile business. Hafez began his life in  such as Omar al-Mukhtar, Ernesto Chi Guevara and
          al-Katatib,  then  al-Azhar  primary  education,    others.
          educated  himself  in  Islamic  sciences  and  public
          culture,  studied  many  religious  sciences,  then  Hafez's  illness  in  the  early  spring  of  2021  following
          worked  at  Al-Azhar  and  was  a  preacher,  until  he  his  infection  with  the  virus  Covid-19,  according  to
          became  sheikh  of  Al-Azhar  for  Al-Azhar  institutes  sources  confirmed  this,  and  was  transferred  to  Al-
          until 1978. One of the symbols of popular resistance  Demirdash Hospital in Cairo to leave our world at the
          in Egypt, especially after his prominent role in the  age of 95, but in any case, despite his departure his
          war  of  attrition  and  the  steadfastness  of  Suez  100  history of struggle for his homeland remains recorded
          days, was one of the reasons why the valiant city of  in history and in the minds of his lovers, has always
          Suez  did  not  surrender  following  the  gap  in  the  given  him  the  necessary  audacity  and  outstanding
          October 1973 war and the city's steadfastness in the  struggles the way to face the inevitability of crises.
          face of the blockade.

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