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               ELITE        Vol.1, Issue 32, June 2021                                                ﺔﻴﺑﺮ #

                                     The Challenges of Implementing

                                           Population Control Policies

                                         Noor Khaled, Freshman

        Overpopulation is not surprising in countries that believe  Implementing  mass  media  campaigns  raise  another
        in  the  sacredness  and  joy  of  having  children.  All  the  challenge: how much would it cost to get this information
        cheer and pride of having kids disappear instantly once  to  reach  every  nook  and  cranny?  As  stated  before,  a
        we realize that these same children might end up living a  country  with  a  large  rural  demographic  would  find  it
        rough  life  in  the  future  as  uncontrolled  overpopulation  difficult  to  gauge  how  far  the  information  traveled  to
        creates  pressure  on  the  country’s  scarce  resources,  reach  the  people.  One  solution  would  be  teaching
        increases pollution levels, hinders economic growth, and  teenagers about family planning early on in schools in an
        raises living costs. The employment and economic needs  objective and comprehensive manner. The campaigns and
        of  an  uncontrollably  multiplying  population  are  projects  meant  to  empower  women  also  play  a  massive
        incredibly  challenging  to  meet.  A  sharp  increase  in  role  in  normalizing  this  topic  and  curbing  fertility  rates.
        population  calls  for  setting  population  control  policies,  As  women  realize  more  important  roles  in  society,  they
        and that’s what Egypt’s National Strategy for Population  will  dedicate  more  time  towards  achieving  their  dreams
        Control, or “Two is Enough” project, tackles. While these  instead of raising kids for the rest of their lives. Training
        policies are necessary, we need to understand some of the  and hiring teachers, making sure resources are available,
        challenges implementing them may entail.              and investing in new projects for women would not only
                                                              be  expensive,  but  it  will  also  be  time-consuming  as  we

        We  begin  with  addressing  arguably  the  significant  need  to  make  sure  that  everyone  is  aware  of  the
        policies, namely, raising awareness, educating the public  seriousness of the situation.
        on the threat of overpopulation, and empowering women.
        Two  main  challenges  come  with  these  policies:  social  Another  policy  is  access  to  family  planning  methods,
        and  financial  obstacles.  A  country  like  Egypt  with  a  which carries some obstacles. While Dar Al-Ifta, Egypt’s
        mostly  rural,  conservative  population  would  find  that  premier Islamic Research Institute, announced that using
        breaking  any  hard-set  values  and  beliefs  on  bearing  contraceptives is permissible in Islam, we know that not
        children and its benefits would be extremely difficult. We  everyone would easily change their deep-rooted religious
        might even go as far as to say that people might find any  beliefs  and  positively  respond  to  this.  Furthermore,  it
        discussion  regarding  topics  of  limiting  the  number  of  would  be  imposing  on  people’s  religious  and  personal
        children or preventing conception taboo or immoral.   freedom if the government was to be stricter about using

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