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               ELITE        Vol.1, Issue 32, June 2021                                                ﺔﻴﺑﺮ #

        people in high positions…etc. However, influencer-    - The influencer marketing industry is considerably
        marketing  through  social  media  quantified  the    profitable  for  influencers.  Even  if  not  at  the
        concept  of  influence.  So  today,  the  influencers  and  beginning,  in  some  cases  it  can  even  turn  these
        the brands collaborating with them use social media   influencers  into  celebrities  (highest  level  of
        metrics to detect the success of their collaborations  influencers).
        and their accounts in general. Thus, it is very likely  However,  it’s  the  social  implications  that  mostly
        that  you  hear  of  or  even  use  terms  as:  reach,  cause the contradiction in opinions about its benefits
        impressions,  engagement,  leads  and  others  that   for all the involved parties. For example:
        refer to metrics used in the field of digital marketing.  -The  extent  of  influence  that  any  of  these
        So,  the  measure  of  influence  was  converted  from  influencers can have can be risky; a negative review
        observed  rising  trends,  copied  styles  of  famous  can cost a business a lot, a bad recommendation can
        people or public opinion -which would take time to    cost  influencers  their  whole  career.  And  as  for
                                                     article title some  campaigns  can  be  really
        detect- to on the spot calculated numbers. Adding to  consumers,
        that, the switch in the way influencers interact with  misleading.
        and  influence  people;  Previously  they  had  to  make  -Another  downside  is  the  involvement  of  personal
        public appearance, interviews and ad campaigns, but   life in this industry. In most cases, establishing a high
        now in a much easier way: Posts on social media can   level of trust can develop an interest in personal life,
        do the job.                                           opinions, and activities. This has been already made

          Is The Growing Influencer-Marketing Industry        clear by the fact that these accounts are personal ones
                          Beneficial?                         based on the personal identity of such influencer. So
        Whether  social  media  influencers  are  actually    an  unfavorable  personal  opinion  that  costs  the
        affecting  us  in  a  positive  or  negative  way  is  still  a  influencer their popularity -even if not forever- can
        debate depending on your perspective, yet speaking    still be more difficult to recover from since they can’t
        in terms of facts, this industry is yielding profits to  just  rebrand  or  re-establish  a  new  identity  unlike
        some groups:                                          what any brand would do in a similar case.
        -Businesses/Brands  found  a  new  highly  revenue-   Finally,  the  ones  with  a  large  number  of  followers
        generating  marketing  channel  -which  some  even    are  sometimes  pressured  by  them  to  make  a  stance
        devote a separate budget for- and these rising sales  towards  pressing  issues  (political,  social…etc.)
        are  mainly  driven  by  the  trust  of  consumers  in  the  because  for  people:  “They  gained  the  power  to
        influencer  promoting  this  business/brand  and  thus  INFLUENCE.”
        increasing  brand  awareness  and  boosting  its
        reputation.  In  addition  they  are  now  able  to  better
        reach their target group by choosing an influencer
        in  a  field  relevant  to  their  services/products.  Thus,

        they guarantee that their campaign would be seen by
        people  who  are  already  interested  in  them  giving
        higher probability of sales.
        -A  growing  stream  of  platforms  and  agencies  are
        making  use  of  the  already  established  relationship
        between businesses/brands and influencers, acting as
        mediators and developing in this process as well the
        usual form of agencies to social media-oriented one
        that fits the new context.

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