Page 24 - issue_32_en
P. 24

               ELITE        Vol.1, Issue 32, June 2021                                                ﺔﻴﺑﺮ #

         The  United  Nations  offered  a  plan  in          This was and still, illegal cause Israelis don't
         1947,  after  more  than  two  decades  of          have  the  right  to  enter  Palestinian  land,  as

         British  control,  to  divide  Palestine  into      Israel broke so many rules stated by the UN
         two sections: an independent Jewish state           and the UN hasn't moved yet.

         and an autonomous Arab state. Jerusalem             lately,  we've  been  hearing  about  sheik-
         was  to  be  an  international  area  with          Jarrah.  So,  there's  a  neighborhood  called
         special  status,  as  both  Jews  and               sheik-Jarrah in the occupied east Jerusalem,

         Palestinian  Arabs  claimed  it  as  their          sheik-Jarrah  is  legally  supposed  to  be
         capital.                                            Palestinian  land.  As  a  result  of  claims  by

         All of that didn't make any sense and is            Israeli settlers’ organizations, courts decided
                                                     article title
         considered  a  war  crime.  Just  because           that  6  Palestinian  families  in  sheik-Jarrah
         Palestine  accepted  Jews  and  immigrants          should leave their home by May and 7 other

         as they were kicked out of Britain doesn't          families should leave by August.
         mean that their land can be taken!                  May came and of course, Palestinians won't

         However,  the  map  of  Palestine  kept             leave their homes for the Israeli settlers.
         changing, which is not reliable, like how
         can a map of some country just change?
                                                             Thus, Israeli settlers which are supported by
                                                             the    Israeli     army      started     attacking

                                                             Palestinians who are just living in peace in
                                                             their homes on their lands.

                                                               They  started  the  violence  against  them

                                                             while they're praying and breaking their fast.
                                                             Israelis even broke into the Al-Aqsa mosque

                                                             and  attacked  Palestinians  while  they  were
                                                             praying and all of that because Palestinians

                                                             don't  want  to  leave  their  homes,  and  be

          According to international law, Palestine
          owned the west bank and the Gaza Strip.
          In 1967 Israel took full control over the

          Palestinian land, and also it's the same year
          when Israel allowed Israelis to move to the

          west bank which is 100% Palestinian land
          currently and then.

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