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               ELITE        Vol.1, Issue 32, June 2021                                                ﺔﻴﺑﺮ #

                                Have the Palestinians Sold their Land?

                                                   Mariam Elsafty, Freshman.

         We  have  witnessed  the  inhumane  crisis  that  hit  Gaza  in  the  After three years of Herbert Samuel being appointed,
       previews  days,  with  the  rise  of  the  number  of  children,  women,  Balfour Declaration appeared, historically known as a
       elderly people, and youthful guys being killed. We were all moved  promise of those who didn’t possess the one who was
       so much that we wanted to help them in any way possible. Not to
       mention that Egypt is the number one supporter for the Palestinians.  not worthy, and the flow to Palestine began to occur
       But  sometimes  we  witness  that  category  of  people  who  are  from that time until it reached its climax during World
       characterized  by  getting  angry  and  criticizing  anything  good  that  War 2 as a result of the Jews’ fear of Hitler. The story
       happens even if that thing was a merciful feeling towards innocents  begins here: The Sursock, a Lebanese family known as
       living  in  the  world.  I’m  sure  you  have  heard  someone,  who  is  Arab  Rochelle,  and  who  also  have  European  origins
       probably  from  that  category  I’ve  mentioned,  sitting  silently  the  with Lebanese nationality, and  known to be super rich
       whole debate and then remembers that he should leave his mark. He  who have many owned huge lands in Palestine. When
       will probably interrupt whoever is talking to say with his nose in the
       sky  as  an  ancient  philosopher  “but  those  Palestinians  you’re  the  Jews’  flight  to  Palestine,  and  according  to  the
       defending  deserve  what  has  been  happening  to  them”  he  will  people of the case, the Sursock family has sold more
       complete saying: “haha they were the ones who have sold their land”  than 120,000 acres of Palestinian land to the Jews, and
       and probably he won’t say anything after. Will, let me explain to you  of course, they only cared about the profit and didn’t
       what has actually happened. We all know that in the British history,  care about the issue. And the picture seemed to remain
       they used to appoint the High British Commissioner to every country  somewhat complete. What happened was a conspiracy
       they colonize, and Palestine then was under the supervision of the  that  began  in  1897  and  ended  in  1948,  a  conspiracy
       Jewish High British Commissioner Herbert Samuel in 1914. Herbert  that included all kinds of violating prohibitions. And at
       Samuel was the first British minister to adopt the Zionist Ideology
       who  as  soon  as  he  came  out  of  the  first  Zionist  conference  told  the end, there is no evidence that the Palestinians have
       Theodor Herzl: “I can’t promise you that within 5 years from now  sold  their  land,  and  that  this  land  will  always  be  for
       there would be an ethnic homeland for the Jews in Palestine, but I  Palestinians.
       can  promise  you  that  by  50  years  from  now,  there  would  be  an
       ethnic  homeland  for  the  Jews  in  Palestine.”  On  a  side  note,  the
       conference was held in 1898 and the announcement for Israel to be
       the homeland of the Jews was on 1948. Herbert Samuel, as the upper
       hand  for  Britain  in  Palestine,  started  the  displacement  of  the
       Palestinians  by  force,  that  it  reached  sometimes  killing  those  who
       oppose,  and  under  that  time  when  the  Arab  nation  was  not  that
       strong with Herbert ruling in Palestine, the land started to be stolen

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