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               ELITE        Vol.1, Issue 32, June 2021                                                ﺔﻴﺑﺮ #

        It  is  important  to  note  that  most  of  the  hesitancy  these  fears  and  stigmas,  the  policy  would  not  be  as
        surrounding  forms  of  birth  control  come  from  external  effective as planned. In this situation, the best that we can
        pressures  or  social  stigmas  rather  than  religious  do, aside from making sure everyone knows the social and
        obligations. In some cases, wives are subservient to their  economic implications of having too many children, is to
        spouses, meaning that they would be reluctant to take any  educate them about the different forms of birth control and
        form of birth control if their partners oppose it. In other  provide  a  discrete  way  for  people  to  access  them
        cases, we will find that pressures from family members,  whenever and wherever they may need them.
        friends, and even the public can make people shy away
        from purchasing or using any form of family planning. If  One  more  challenge  arises  with  digitizing  government
        you  are  married  and  keep  putting  off  having  kids,  you  services such as marriage registries and birth certificates.
        will get asked something along the lines of “Is something  This policy is meant to make it easier to keep track of how
        is wrong with you or your spouse?” Once you let them  many  children  each  family  has.  While  most  of  the
        know you are not ready to have children or do not want to  population is up to date with necessary legal paperwork, a
                                                     article title
        have more (code words for using forms of birth control),  minority will still find it easy to slip in the shadows and
        you  might  end  up  hearing  words  like,  “Some  people  avoid  registering  their  marriages  or  creating  birth
        aren’t lucky enough to be able to have a child, and here  certificates  for  their  children.  Although  this  might  be  a
        you  are  refusing  God’s  gift,”  which  usually  stem  from  hard pill to swallow, some communities live off the radar.
        ignorance.  Suppose  you  are  patient  enough  to  ignore  They get married, but fail to register their marriage, have
        these  remarks;  the  public  raises  another  obstacle.  kids,  yet  don’t  register  their  birth,  and  earn  their  wages
        Regardless of your gender, if you’re young and attempt to  through legal but off-the-charts means. When do we find
        purchase  a  contraceptive,  you’ll  find  yourself  many  a  out that they had 7, 8, or even 9 kids? When these same
        time  the  target  of  scornful  gazes  and  unnecessary  children begin to emerge in the “real world,” where they
        remarks, even if you’re married.                      find it difficult to survive without forms of identification.
                                                              To  combat  this  very  problem,  before  China’s  one-child
                                                              policy was abolished in 2016, there were “family planning
                                                              officials” who reported unregistered children.

                                                              Whether we like it or not, people may never understand
                                                              how dangerous overpopulation is until it is too late. The
                                                              key to the success of these policies comes with the general
                                                              support  of  the  people:  as  long  as  people  are  willing  to
                                                              listen  and  take  action  to  protect  themselves  and  their
                                                              country,  the  policies  are  deemed  effective;  otherwise,
        Moreover,  there  is  some  misinformation  surrounding  hopes  of  managing  the  uncontrolled  overpopulation
        contraceptive  use.  Some  people  have  misconceptions  severely decline. To be sure, the only way these policies
        about  the  safety  of  these  drugs  and  procedures  –  can make an impact is through continuity, but we need to
        oftentimes  assuming  that  they  might  result  in   be  cautious  lest  these  policies  work  too  well.  We  have
        complications in future pregnancies and even infertility.  witnessed  the  effects  of  family  planning  and  population
        The biggest challenge here lies in the fact that attempts at  control  policies  in  China  and  South  Korea;  yes,  they
        denouncing  these  apprehensions  will  take  a  long  time.  managed  to  control  the  population  growth,  but  at  what
        For  example,  according  to  a  University  of  Maryland  cost.  Youths  of  this  generation  are  less  willing  to  get
        survey, around 50% of Egyptians are hesitant/ unwilling  married, much less have children. Interestingly, the South
        to get the COVID-19 vaccines. Regardless of the amount  Korean  government  is  giving  incentives  to  encourage
        of  available  information  that  shows  that  the  vaccine’s  couples  to  have  children.  We  came  off  to  a  great  start;
        benefits  outweigh  its  costs,  we  can  see  that  breaking  however,  if  future  policymakers  do  not  show  as  much
        misconceptions that revolve around one’s wellbeing is a  dedication to solving this problem, we can kiss any real
        grueling task. If access to birth control is hindered by  chance at overcoming this grave problem goodbye.

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