Page 40 - issue_32_en
P. 40
ELITE Vol.1, Issue 32, June 2021 ﺔﻴﺑﺮ #
Glory to you, you did not create the heavens Then you will find a scientist who saw in the
and the earth in vain, and you did not create universe of elaborate complexity and
inanimate objects, trees, jinn, mankind and absolute order that does not exceed his belief
animals in vain, And you have not created is except that all beings created them by
a celestial body that is millions of light- chance, which is also from the foundations !,
years away from us as void, and you have and you see one of them worshiping an idol
not created an atom that cannot be seen as he made in a blacksmith workshop praying to
void, and no microscopic creature created in him and pleading with him, and another
the deepest Ocean is void, and all of these worshiping an animal approaching and
are nothing but the power of the wise Allah, calling it, and others not They worship and
He misleads many thereby and guides many do not hope, praise be to God, Lord of the
thereby, So exalted is Allah when you reach worlds.Science is an individual duty but all
the evening and when you reach the sciences are collective duty. Every individual
morning. is required to learn, not deceived by his
No one, with his knowledge, protested knowledge nor astray from his intention, and
against religion, So he was already lost in with his knowledge he must also specialize
his knowledge before his religion, walking but he does not have to study all sciences, so
in a wrong path and to an unknown if he takes upon himself to study all sciences,
destination, which he does other than his it will not suffice for him over his age, even
work and devotes it to other than his if he takes a sufficient amount to benefit or
purpose. Al-Aleem told us about the benefit from it, but the correct one is
scholars of Israel in the Almighty saying: { required.
The example of those who were entrusted Every science specialist should take a small
with the Torah and then did not take it on is amount of other sciences, what he gain
like that of a donkey who carries volumes capacity and knowledge and refine his
[of books]. Wretched is the example of the aptitude, as well as what helps him to master
people who deny the signs of Allah. And his specialization, or what would remove him
Allah does not guide the wrongdoing from a crisis or help him in an emergency
people} [Al-Gomaa – 5], Those who were matter, otherwise you may find an excellent
accused by God the Torah, and they doctor who will fall victim to a fraud
preserved it verbally, and they did not Because he is not familiar with the law, or a
understand it and did not work with it. skilled engineer, a member of his family was
Rather, they left and distorted it, and they injured and could not help him, or an elite
were worse than the donkey that carries the group of scientists drowned because they did
books as a sensual lamb that cannot change not know how to swim.
its words.