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               ELITE        Vol.1, Issue 32, June 2021                                                ﺔﻴﺑﺮ #


                               The scourge of vanity and delusion

                               Mohamed Elsawy, Second Level, Economics

         A boy from the Arabs met the poet Abu Ala Al- The problem, then, is that whoever thinks that he has
         Maari, and said to him: Who are you, Sheikh ?!       approached but has reached the point of knowledge,
         He said: Abu Al-Alaa is your well-known poet.        then he has reached only the point of vanity, and he is
         Then the boy said: Welcome to the poet stallion,     deceived  but  lost,  so  vanity  is  still  the  scourge  of
         are you the one who said in your poetry:             knowledge. You find that every genius - or he thinks
         For if I was the last of his time .. to do what the  himself as well - makes his genius the only barometer
         first ones could not?                                of genius! For example, someone who was a genius in

         Abu Al-Alaa said: Yes, I am the one who said         mathematics thinks that those without it are stupid, or
         this, and why?                                       someone who has a degree in science thinks that all
         The  boy  said:  A  good  saying,  self-confidence,  people are ignorant until they learn his science. The
         and a proud of competence and ability, but the       problem,  then,  is  that  whoever  thinks  that  he  has
         leaders put twenty-eight letters for the spelling,   approached but has reached the point of knowledge,
                                                              then he has reached only the point of vanity, and he is
         so can you add one letter to it?                     deceived  but  lost,  so  vanity  is  still  the  scourge  of

         The  Almighty  said  in  the  Holy  Quran:  {And     knowledge. You find that every genius - or he thinks
         mankind  have  not  been  given  of  knowledge       himself as well - makes his genius the only barometer
         except  a  little}  [Al-Israa-85],  All  that  a  person  of genius! For example, someone who was a genius in
         has  produced  of  knowledge,  God  willing,  is  a  mathematics thinks that those without it are stupid, or
         small amount, and all that a person acquires is a    someone who has a degree in science thinks that all
         little bit of a little, as if he ascends a ladder to the  people are ignorant until they learn his science.

         sky  and  thinks  that  his  sight  is  the  end  of  the In  addition  to  the  scourge  of  vanity,  the  scourge  of
         stairs,  or  as  if  it  is  between  two  areas  of delusion, for this little knowledge that blinds the sight
         attraction  and  turn!  Whenever  he  is  freed  from and the mind is either for what was created for it. An
         ignorance,  knowledge  is  repelled,  and  what  he argument for God against the servant, or for a wrong
         thinks  is  the  end  point  is  nothing  but  a  new argument to use as evidence against God! Allah says:
         starting point, and if it is permissible to say that  { Allah witnesses that there is no deity except Him,
         knowledge  is  something  that  increases,  it       and [so do] the angels and those of knowledge - [that

         decreases! Whenever you know something, you          He  is]  maintaining  [creation]  in  justice.  There  is  no
         will  know  that  things  have  been  missing  from  deity except Him, the Exalted in Might, the Wise.} [
         you!  Then  what  you  have  acquired  from          Al-i-Imran – 18 ], And : { Who remember Allah while
         knowledge that is closer to analogy than that of     standing or sitting or [lying] on their sides and give
         ignorance,  the  world  is  estimated  only  by  the  thought to the creation of the heavens and the earth,
         extent of its distance from the point of ignorance   [saying], "Our Lord, You did not create this aimlessly;
         rather  than  its  approach  to  the  point  of      exalted are You [above such a thing]; then protect us
                                                              from the punishment of the Fire} [ Al-i-Imran – 191],

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