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ELITE                       Vol.1, Issue 30, April 2021                            Happy


                                                        The Yearly Recharge

                                                          Maryam Gheta, Freshman

          We’ve  all  heard  about  some  of  the               Here’s  a  breakdown  to  what  happens  to

          numerous  physical  benefits  of  fasting,  but       your body when you fast, in each stage of
          there are also psychological, spiritual, and          the 30 days of fasting as portrayed by the
          religious benefits to fasting the holy month          Merciful  Servant,  a  YouTube  channel.

          of  Ramadan.  Before  we  get  into  these            Stage 1, during the first couple of days of
          benefits  that  are  backed  by  science,  we         fasting,  both  blood  sugar  level  and  blood

          should understand what fasting is and how             pressure drop. The body starts the cleansing
          to  fast.  During  the  entire  month  of             process,  and  the  first  few  days  are  the

          Ramadan,  Muslims  are  obligated  to  fast,          hardest  as  they  are  usually  accompanied
          every  day  from  dawn  to  sunset.  Fasting          with  headaches,  dizziness,  nausea  and

          requires  people  to  not  only  refrain  from        intense hunger. Stage 2, during the second
          food  and  drink,  but  also  abstain  from  bad      stage, the body becomes accustomed to the
          habits and sins such as smoking, swearing,            fasting schedule and the digestive system is

          gossiping,  arguing,  fighting  or  being             able  to  rest.  The  digestive  system  focuses
          disrespectful,  cruel  or  selfish.  Sexual           its  energy  on  cleansing  the  body  and

          relations  during  the  hours  of  fasting  also      healing the cells as the white blood cells in
          nullify ones fast. The purpose of fasting is          the  body  start  to  become  more  active.
          not to suffer, since the kids, sick, travelers,       During  this  stage,  the  organs  start  their

          pregnant,  nursing  or  menstruating,  and            repair process as well. Stage 3, by the third
          elderly  are  not  obligated  to,  but  rather        stage,  energy  levels  will  have  increased,

          becoming  closer  to  God  and  becoming  an          your mind is able to concentrate better and
          enhanced  version  of  yourself  both                 an  overall  feeling  of  wellness  overtakes

          physically and mentally.                              you. During fasting, the body’s healing

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