Page 45 - Issue-30-En
P. 45

ELITE                       Vol.1, Issue 30, April 2021                            Happy

         but actually we’ll find that different aspects         However, these hypothesis must be

         accompanying  the  pandemic  will  also                verified statistically and
         increase the CPI so eventually The CPI in              mathematically. Also supposing the

         Ramadan  will  probably  increase  even                rationality of the consumer, we
         more: such as:                                         cannot tell how individuals will
           -The  fact  that  we’re  sitting  at  home  and

         we’ll  have  nothing  to  do  but  eat,  -Some         behave regarding these new
         fear buying fast foods or purchasing ready-            changes and how they will cope with

         to-eat  meals  from  stores  or  shops,                it. Anyway it’s too early to tell or to
         consequently  more  foods  to  buy  and                affirm these conclusions, all we’re

         prepare  at  home  which  increases  the               sure of, is that Ramadan this year
         quantities  consumed  of  major  goods,  and won’t be as any other experienced

         this  increases  their  prices;  -  Also,  first  at before.
         the  beginning  of  the  pandemic,  people
         anticipated  that  this  crisis  will  cause  a

         decrease  in  the  production  sector  and
         decrease  the  supply  of  some  goods,  so

         they  hurried  to  the  supermarkets  and
         bought stocks just in case…

         Therefore  we  might  conclude  that  the
         effects  of  the  month  of  Ramadan  on  the

         CPI  will  be  even  more  amplified  with  a
         But  in  a  scenario,  where  the  restrictions

         and  distancing  measures  placed  by  the
         government are lessened, we can expect a

         huge  increase  in  the  number  of  outings
         and  gatherings,  which  is,  by  the  way,

         anticipated  by  the  Egyptian  Government
         this  Ramadan,  and  in  this  case,  there

         won’t  be  a  drastic  difference  between
         Ramadan  Post-  and  after  the  pandemic
         (Same lifestyle as before the pandemic, so

         we’ll  only  have  the  seasonal  effect  of
         Ramadan on the CPI)….

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