Page 47 - Issue-30-En
P. 47

ELITE                       Vol.1, Issue 30, April 2021                            Happy

        Another  highly  anticipated  TV  series  this            Finally,  “Ahmed  Alsaka”  and  “Amir

        Ramadan has to be the comedy series “Nagib              Karara”  are  doing  a  Ramadan  drama
        Zahi Zarkash” starring the great actor “Yehia           together this year called “Nasl Alaghrab”.
        Elfakharany”  who  has  not  appeared  on  TV           having  those  two  work  on  a  TV  series

        since 2018, so people are looking forward to            together,  it  will  certainly  gain  the
        seeing  him  back  on  screen  again.  Another          admiration of many.

        thing  Egyptians  have  missed  would  be  Nelly
        Karim’s dramas even though her TV show last

        year “B 100 wesh” was a great hit for her and
        “Asser  Yassin”,  that’s  why  she’s  back  again

        this  Ramadan  with  yet  another  one  of  her
        dramas called “Antibreak"

        of  course  by  now,  we  are  all  used  to  seeing    tj

        Mohamed  Ramadan  with  another  heart
        breaking drama every Ramadan and after the              the list of upcoming dramas in Egypt this

        success  of  “Al-Prince”  in  2020,  this  year’s       Ramadan can go on and on, however, we
        “Moussa”  is  expected  to  be  a  hit  as  well,       decided  to  settle  for  just  mentioning  the

        however, we hope that this show has a more              most seemingly interesting ones. So, at the
        creative plot.  Ghanem” is also participating in        end,  what  dramas  have  you  decided  to
        the Ramadan drama marathon this year, after             watch this year?

        being  absent  last  year.  she  is  starring  in  the
        new  comedy  “a  parallel  world”  with  her

        mother “Dalal Abdalaziz”. “Hana Elzahed” is
        also  participating  in  this  year’s  Ramadan

        marathon with “Mohamed Emam” in the new
        show “The Tiger”..
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