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ELITE                       Vol.1, Issue 30, April 2021                            Happy

          process becomes a lot more efficient and so           subtle  signal  of  your  guiding  truth;
          the body repairs any damaged cells during             increasing  productivity  and  energy  since

          this  stage.  During  this  stage  the  colon,        fasting  gives  you  a  feeling  a  physical
          liver, kidney, lungs, and skin are detoxing           “lightness”  which  provides  a  boost  of

          by  eliminating  toxins.  Stage  4,  during  the      energy;  and  improving  self-confidence
          last  10  days  of  fasting  in  Ramadan,  the        since  neuro-chemically,  fasting  increases
          body has become accustomed to the fasting             levels  of  catechol  amines,   such  as

          process.  Your  body  becomes  more                   dopamine,  which  elevates  your  happiness
          energetic  and  you  experience  improved             and  confidence  while  reducing  your

          memory  and  concentration.  At  this  stage,         anxiety.
          the  organs  are  finishing  up  their  healing       Last  but  surely  not  least,  the  spiritual  and

          process and once all toxins are removed the           religious  benefits  of  fasting.  Fasting
          body  is  able  to  function  at  its  maximum        cleanses  the  soul,  makes  us  acknowledge

          capacity.  These  are  just  some  physical           our need for God, and leaves us energized
          benefits  that  will  take  place  within  the        to  praise  and  devote  to  God  which
          body!                                                 ultimately makes us sensitive to God’s will

          The  described  stages  above  result  in  the        and  satisfied  with  our  being.  As  for  the
          many  physical  benefits:  helping  in  weight        religious    benefits,    Allah,     the    most

          loss,    improving       insulin     sensitivity,     generous,  has  his  doors  wide  open  for
          speeding  up  the  metabolism,  promoting             everyone  who  seeks  his  help,  guidance,

          longevity,     improving      brain    function,      mercy,  abundance, and much more.  There
          improving the immune system, clearing the             is no limit to it.

          skin and preventing acne, and contributing            With  all  that  being  said,  I  am  certain  that
          to  self-enlightenment  which  are  directly          we all cannot wait for this yearly recharge
          related  to  the  psychological  benefits  since      and this holy month to bless us with all its

          “a healthy mind is in a healthy body”.                benefits!
          Some  of  the  astounding  mental  and

          psychological  benefits  are  increasing  ones
          willpower by consciously putting-off of the

          physical in order to tap into higher realms
          of  meaning  and  breaking  destructive

          addictions  and  other  sabotaging  behaviors
          which  are  the  opposite  of  willpower;
          enhancing  learning  capacity,  clarity,  and

          precision  by  removing  yourself  from  the
          noise of addiction, you clear space for the

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