Page 53 - Issue-30-En
P. 53
ELITE Vol.1, Issue 30, April 2021 Happy
People by their nature are attracted by the She said: that Allah has said: ﴾But if you
scientist, not his knowledge, so they take want to replace one wife with another and
from him without refutation, and the sheikh you have given one of them a great amount
attracts them, not his wisdom, even if he is [in gifts], do not take [back] from it anything.
an idiot and ignorant, And the basic principle Would you take it in injustice and manifest
of what a person has become blessed with is sin?﴿ [Al-Nessa – 20 ], Omar said: A woman
that the more he comes and travels, the got, and a man made a mistake. This woman
greater his horizon and the greater his who corrected the words of Omar bin Al-
insight, But it does not mean that he who is Khattab is not wiser than Omar who
without those is ignorant and foolish. And traveled, sold, bought, traded, and
here is Solomon, peace be upon him, may accompanied the Prophet and migrated,
God have favored his judgment over that of
his father; Allah says: ﴾And [mention] David conquered, fought, ruled, and appealed to
and Solomon, when they judged concerning him.
the field - when the sheep of a people You know that the young of today is the
overran it [at night], and We were witness to elder of tomorrow, and a person is with his
their judgement, And We gave knowledge, not his age and number of
understanding of the case to Solomon﴿ [Al- hours and days!, Cohabitation, the
Anbiyaa – 78,79], Solomon's Hoopoe said to branching of relationships, and the sitting
him: "I have encompassed [in knowledge] with the scholar and the sheikh make the
that which you have not encompassed", And wisdom of the sheikh in the vitality of the
the bird is not more knowledgeable than young man. And the rebuke, even if it is
Solomon the human being, the prophet, for reverence for the Sheikh and the Great,
whom soldiers of jinn, mankind and birds does not create respect as much as it
were recruited, and here is an ant that said: ﴾ creates submissiveness to falsehood,
Until, when they came upon the valley of the discourage to speak and refute everything
ants, an ant said, "O ants, enter your that was said and said.
dwellings that you not be crushed by
Solomon and his soldiers while they perceive
not."﴿ [Al-Naml – 22], She was an ant, almost
invisible, and she led, called, ordered,
warned, and sought excuse.
Abdullah bin Muse narrated that Omar ibn
El-khattab said: " Do not increase the dowry
of women more than forty ounces of silver.
For whoever increases the increase, the
increase is made in the treasury"
A Woman said: This is not for you!
He said: Why?