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ELITE                       Vol.1, Issue 30, April 2021                            Happy

        and make sure they abide by these values. They also,    to  Monetarizing  women  work  in  those  contexts
        teach  other  women;  i.e.  their  daughters,  how  to  should  not  mean  women  were  not  part  of  the
        continue  in  their  prescribed  social  and  gender  roles.  production. In twentieth century, different countries
        Patriarchy  in  this  case  remains  and  is  sustained  by  as  well  as  international  organizations  emphasized
        women  and  transmitted  from  one  generation  into  the  the importance of integrating women in economic
        next.                                                   activities as shown in the SDGs agenda.
        Accordingly; women’s image are portrayed as always      In  addition  to;  the  issue  of  polygamy,  which  is
        sacrificing  mothers  and    obedient  wives  who  don’t  prohibited  and  criminalized  by  US  law’  s
        speak  and  participate  in  the  public  sphere,  and  an  challenged by some closed religious societies such
        image of women's bodies is drawn up as the bearer of    as "Mormons" and others, who see polygamy as a
        male honour, leading to  carry the nation’s honour with  religious duty. All of this, the societal values cannot

        its  values  and  identity.Therefore,  defending  the   be viewed as one solid and fixed group, regardless
        homeland becomes defending women and vice versa.        of place, time and life experience.
        Noteworthy,  we  need  to  question  these  roles  and  What  we  want  to  emphasize  in  this  regard  is  that
        values transmitted by women. Is there a unified set of  issues  of  national  values  and  attributing  them  to
        values of each nation? Are values reflective of national  women  as  the  most  important  role  should  be  re-
        identity  irrespective  of  geography  and  ethnicity?  Are  considered  and  re-evaluated.  Societies  formulate
        they  fixed  structures,  or  they  change  and  develop  their value systems differently and should be able to
        according to changing contexts? How far can women       accept  changes  taking  place.  Social  change  is  the
        contribute  to  the  process  of  maintaining\  changing\  responsibility of all members of society. We should
        challenging these values?                               embrace diversity in our societies and don't try to
        For  example,  in  Bedouin  context,  men  and  women   impose the set of values of a certain community on
        cover  their  faces  as  a  mechanism  of  self  -protection  everyone  else.  Women  and  men  should  work
        against the brutal nature. The practice originally has no  together  to  change\  challenge  values  that  are  not
        religious  significance.  Later  on,  this  practice  took  responsive to modern societies needs.
        religious and social significance specially for women.  Discourse  developed  by  feminist  perspective
        Covering  up  the  face  in  urban  contexts  was  never  attempts  to  deconstruct  patriarchy  and  its  relevant
        related  to  environment,  rather  it  was  based  on  the  power  structures.    It  addresses  manifestations  of

        prevalence of Salafi religious discourse. During 2020,  inequalities  women  suffer  from.  Holding  women
        both  men  and  women  are  covering  their  faces      the  sole  responsible  for  creating\  transmitting
        irrespective of religious beliefs and environment due to  values  in  the  society  is  actually  a  continuation  of
        the spread of COVID-19. On a different note, women      this  patriarchal  discourse  and  should  be  critically
        contribution  in  economy  and  accordingly  access  to  addressed  if  we  are  to  promote  justice  on  the
        public  spaces  is  still  a  debatable  issue  in  certain  society level.
        societies  and  communities.  Yet,  women  in  rural
        communities  have  always  been  part  of  production
        cycle  and  always  contributed  to  income  generating.
        Women  worked  in  agriculture  and  related  activities
        inside the house as well as outside.  Inability and \or\

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