Page 44 - Issue-30-En
P. 44

ELITE                       Vol.1, Issue 30, April 2021                            Happy

         So  if  we  were  to  measure  the  CPI  on  a          What  might  be  the  effects  of  the

         monthly  basis,  the  measurement  during               pandemic?
         Ramadan  will,  normally,  reveal  inflation.           This Ramadan and last year’s Ramadan
         That’s  why,  according  to  the  basic                 are a little special due to the pandemic:

         definition  of  a  CPI,  the  CPI  cannot  be           No  more  outings  allowed,  family
         considered a “normal” period  reflecting an             gatherings  are  supposed  to  decrease
         actual inflation but a seasonal variation that          and  isolation  is  preferable  so  no  more

         requires       adjustment         (cannot        be     large  gathering  or  evening  Iftar  meals
         representative  of  the  CPI  in  a  certain            ….  This  definitely  should  have  an
         country, because first, this is not a globally          impact, and this is mainly what we’ll be

         celebrated  event  since  it’s  a  cultural  and        elaborating!,  we  want  to  study  whether
         religious  occasion,  second,  this  is  a              the  previously  mentioned  factors  that
         general  increase  in  the  food  prices  only          distinguish the CPI during Ramadan will

         during  this  month,  thus  the  government             be  amplified,  moderated  or  unchanged
         can’t  act  upon  it  and  intervene  with  long        with the advent of the pandemic…

         lasting monetary policies to control inflation          We may think that with less outings and
         (It’s  a  temporary  inflation  that  comes  and        gatherings,  this  will  end  up  decreasing
         goes with this month…)                                  the CPI…
         This increase in household expenditures is

         mostly because the month of Ramadan is
         usually considered a month of festivities, in

         terms  of  food,  family  gatherings,  outings,
         the  festivities  lifestyle  which  all  cause
         fluctuations  in  the  consumption  habits  of

         the  household…  For  example:  During
         Ramadan,  people  in  general  enjoy  buying
         mostly  quantities  that  exceed  what  they

         need (the effect of ‘’we’ll be hungry so we
         need to break the fast with a proper meal’’,
         or  the  fact  that  actually  there’s  a  special

         basket  of  products  that’s  especially
         consumed  in  Ramadan  and  not  all  year
         round (from the various drinks to the feasty

         desserts…), also people loved to gather in
         cafes, restaurants and markets, especially
         after  Al-Tarawih  prayers  and  till  Fajr

         (Sunrise),  and  thus  an  increase  in
         consumption and expenditures…
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