Page 39 - Issue-30-En
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ELITE                       Vol.1, Issue 30, April 2021                            Happy


                                      A year after coronavirus: How was our

                                                      mental health affected?

                                           Maram Mofreh, Level two, economics

          Another  March  has  come  and  gone,  akin  to  every  other  Constant  exposure  to  intense  stress  is  more  than  enough  to
          March of every other year. But every March does not pass  leave  us  vulnerable  to  experiencing  symptoms  of  mental
          like  every  other  March,  with  un-eventuality  and  quiet  illnesses  such  as  depression,  anxiety  and  even  PTSD  (Post
          normality.  It  is  without  a  question  that  last  year's  March  Traumatic  Stress  Disorder).    Symptoms  such  as  irritability,
          will  remain  engraved  in  the  minds  of  all  the  generations  appetite  changes,  loss  of  interests,  hopelessness,  fatigue,
          that witnessed it, and persistently so. March 2020, serves as  restlessness,  having  difficulty  concentrating  as  well  as  sleep
          the  legitimate  begging  of  our  goodbye  to  all  of  the  problems  have  definitely  become  more  common  among  both
          normality that we know and recognize. Nothing was ever  the youth and the adults in the past year. Furthermore, isolation
          the same after March 2020. March 2020, marks the official  and  lack  of  concrete  social  interactions  caused  loss  in  the
          declaration  of  the  coronavirus  disease  as  a  global  emotional  and  physical  support  that  people  can  receive  from
          pandemic,  which  was  promptly  followed  by  mass  their friends and families.
          lockdowns  in  most  countries,  firmly  halting  the  paths  of
                                                               In fact, several research institutes in several countries report
          our  normal  lives  as  well  as  forcing  us  to  replace  our  that their survey data shows a surge in physiological distress
          routines with new ones. This March marks a year since the  since  the  start  of  the  lockdown,  specifically  among  younger
          beginning of the pandemic, and after a year, it is foolish to  people. Scientists are even fearing that the effects on mental
          expect that life can return to the way it  was  before. It is  health will continue for years on after the pandemic.
          abundantly clear that we have to adapt to the new version   It  is  unquestionable  that  the  circumstances  that  we  live  in
          of  normal  that  is  created  by  the  new  circumstances.   nowadays are dire and unprecedented to most of us. We should
            Nevertheless,  the  pandemic  along  with  the  lockdown  accept that it will not end anytime soon. There is nothing more
          affected  more  than  just  our  routines,  it  has  deep  rooted  important than taking care of your health, both physically and
          effects on our mental health as well.
                                                              mentally. Finding healthy ways to cope with mental stress is
                                                              crucial, you should always remember to take a pause to breathe
         It is undeniable that the recent life changing events of the past  fresh air into your lungs and to be kind to yourself as well as
         year  resulted  in  immense  amounts  of  stress,  either  as  a
         consequence from the alterations in their economic conditions  others.
         or out of fear of them or their families getting infected with the
         virus or out of fear of the side effects of getting the virus, or
         another forth reason. You can never run out of reasons to be
         stressed  out  in  a  global  pandemic.  The  effortless  access  to
         news articles, statistics and researches related to the pandemic
         sufficed to add even more stress. I remember endlessly long
         days when all I could think about was the daily statistical data
         of the coronavirus cases and deaths in each country, watching
         the arrows on the news stations rising further more each day
         signifying  the  unstoppable  rise  in  cases  as  well  as  deaths,
         suffocating with the thickness of both worry and helplessness.
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