Page 37 - Issue-30-En
P. 37

ELITE                       Vol.1, Issue 30, April 2021                            Happy

        The  fact  is  concealed  from  the  view  that  the  Because digital companies are only obliged to pay
        overwhelming  success  and  riches  of  these  internet taxes on their income to the countries in which they
        sites are largely focused on the free labor generated are headquartered. That is why these companies turn
        by prosumers. Prosumers are far more oppressed than to countries like Ireland, due to their relatively low
        the employees in conventional capitalist firms. These taxes, to establish their headquarters. And evade the
        employees  have  usually  been  paid  as  little  as tax by doing this.
        possible,  but  those  prosumers  who  "work"  on  these However, some would argue that prosumption is not
        websites  earn  no  pay  at  all.  This  in  turn  creates  an a  bad  concept,  as  digital  labor  is  an  extremely
        assumption  that  profit-making  businesses  have unique form of labor, as any effort that we put in is
        implemented  prosumption  in  order  to  maximize  the by choice. That people are not forced to spend hours
        profit.  Prosumption  can  be  seen  as  one  of  many on Facebook or YouTube, but they consciously do

        elements to minimize labor costs. After all, thanks to so for entertainment. And that people enjoy sharing
        this  free  labor,  those  at  the  top  of  these  digital and producing just as much as we enjoy consuming
        companies  are  billionaires.  These  entrepreneurs,  of content. Most of the time they are not being paid for
        course, deserve to be rewarded for their innovations it,  but  they  are  also  not  paying  for  any  of  the
        and the platform they create for online prosumers to services.  Moreover,  others  would  argue  that
        consume  and  produce.  A  much  more  consequential prosumption is in fact a benefit to individuals, as it
        reform will mean actually paying prosumers for the empowers  consumers.  As  prosumers  have  been
        data    they   now     produce,    knowingly     and turned into "product and brand advocates" in today's
        unconsciously, free of charge. Consider how much it digitally     enabled,   always-on    world.   These
        would  cost  these  digital  companies  to  employ individuals,  with  the  help  of  social  media,  use  a
        conventional market analysts to gather and collect all variety  of  platforms  to  share  their  thoughts  on  a
        these data then thinking about paying prosumers. In company's product, service, or policies with a global
        reality, it would be difficult for them to do it at any audience.
        price,  given  the  large  and  exponentially  increasing Is it true that Web 2.0 users are being exploited, or
        amount of data.                                       that users and owners are exploiting one another?
        And  if  we  look  at  the  profits  that  these  companies
        generate, for example, digital advertising revenue for

        Facebook  in  2020  according  to  STATA  data
        amounted  to  nearly  86  billion  US  dollars,  and  it  is
        worth noting that 97.9 percent of Facebook's global
        revenues  are  from  ads,  while  only  about  2  percent
        were generated by payments and other fees revenue.
        This  is  a  new  record  for  the  company  and  a
        significant  increase  compared  to  previous  years.
        Facebook's  average  revenue  per  user  also  increased
        dramatically  in  the  same  time  period,  going  from  $
        6.81 in 2013 to $ 32.03 in 2020. That is why the idea
        of  digital  taxes  has  begun  to  loom  large  in  digital
        companies.  Facebook  and  other  huge  digital
        companies, including Amazon and Google, are under
        pressure from countries around the world to pay their

        real tax share.
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