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ELITE                       Vol.1, Issue 30, April 2021                            Happy

       3-The royal family failed to correct the false         Furthermore,  about  the  Meghan’s  suicidal
       news about her, Meghan said.                           attempts,  some  have  big  sympathy  while  some

       The tabloid false stories came one after the other,    inner sources of The Palace said that they did offer
       Meghan said, to destroy her image. Not only were       different ways of help other than sending her away
       they not true, Meghan said, but the royal family did   like she wanted but she wouldn’t listen to anyone
       nothing to correct them.                               who did not agree with her. Also, some claim that
       In  a  particularly  instance,  she  said,  the  tabloids  the  Royal  Family  had  no  problem  redecorating
       reported  that  she  had  made  Kate  cry  before  the
       wedding  over  the  bridesmaid’s  dress  that  Kate’s  Frogmore  Cottage  in  Frogmore  Grounds  in
       daughter was meant to wear. In fact, Meghan said,      Windsor,  so  they  would  have  all  the  space  they
       it was Kate who made her cry and no member of          wanted.
       the  royal  family  made  an  effort  to  correct  the  Meghan  herself  described  her  incident  with  her
       record.                                                sister-in-law Kate Middleton as super artificial and
       4-‘My  family  literally  cut  me  off                 inconsequential and so did the people. Some think

       financially.’ Prince Harry said.                       that Meghan just wanted to undermine Kate.
       When he and Meghan moved to the United States,         The refutation some broadcasts and journalists had
       Harry  said,  the  royal  family  stopped  giving  them  about the racist accusations on the Royal Family
       money.                                                 were quite convincing. The fact that the family did
       In  any  case,  he  said,  speaking  of  his  life  in  the  not  want  Archie  to  have  any  titles  was  just
       United States, “I’ve got what my mum left me, and      historically incorrect. That’s because simply he is
       without  that,  we  would  not  have  been  able  to  do  not yet in the top 6 royal titles and that naturally
                                                              he  would  be  granted  a  title  after  his  great-
                                                              grandfather, Prince Philip, pass away.
       Buckingham  Palace  first  statement  since
       Prince Harry and Meghan's shocking interview           Not  to  mention,  Prince  William,  Harry’s  older
                                                              brother seemed really sad about the interview and
       stated  that  Queen  Elizabeth  says,  "The  whole     about  how  his  beloved  brother  was  against  his
       family  is  saddened  to  learn  the  full  extent  of

       how  challenging  the  last  few  years  have  been    family.  Days  after  the  interview,  during  a  public
                                                              engagement  "We're  very  much  not  a  racist
       for Harry and Meghan."
                                                              family,"  William  said  in  response  to  questions

       "The  issues  raised,  particularly  that  of  race,  are  from the media
       concerning," the statement continued. "Whilst some     Also,  about  The  Palace  not  addressing  the  false
       recollections  may  vary,  they  are  taken  very      news,  some  Royal  experts  explained  that  The
       seriously  and  will  be  addressed  by  the  family   Royal  Family  is  much  more  than  correcting  the
       privately. Harry, Meghan and Archie will always be     false  claims  of  every  member;  they  are  a  one
       much loved family                                      whole  institution  that  wants  to  work  and  address
       The  reaction  of  the  interview  in  the  streets  of  their duties to the society. And that over the ages
       different  countries  varies.  However,  undeniably  a  there had been worse claims that were far from the
       large  majority  sees  that  Harry  and  Meghan  are   truth and the Royal Family did not care to reply to
       trying to have everything, power, freedom, money,      them.
       security, and popularity among people. Also, people
       see  that  Meghan  never  took  her  royal  duties     Where  is  the  truth?  No  one  knows,  however  I
       seriously  and  used  it  as  a  way  to  gain  more   believe time will reveal it. As we all know “The
       popularity and people’s love.                          truth is rarely pure and never simple.”
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