Page 31 - Issue-30-En
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ELITE                       Vol.1, Issue 30, April 2021                            Happy

         Because    of   these   crises,   anti-monarchy         floyd incident and launched major campaigns
         movements, such as The Republic, which want             in  the  United  States  and  Britain  against
         to establish a republican system in Britain, have       racism such as Black Lives Matter, and in the
         emerged  because  of  the  royal  family  scandals      United  Kingdom  a  racist  British  monarchy
         and  the  large  expenses  being  made  from  the       that  greatly  threatens  the  popularity  of  the
         Kingdom's  treasury  in  favour  of  the  royal         monarchy and gives a greater chance to anti-
         family,  but  despite  these  movements,  the           monarchists  movements  to  rally  support  for
         monarchy  still  has  considerable  public  support     the work of Referendum on the future of the
         among the public, and a 2016 poll showed that           royal family.
         73% support the survival of the monarchy, while         These  statements  have  resonated  greatly

         only 17% want it abolished.                             around  the  world  and  in  Britain,  and  some
                                                                 argue  that  the  talk  and  fears  in  the  royal
         But  the  recent  crisis  triggered  by  Prince  Harry  family  of  Archie's  skin  color  are  only  an
         and Meghan has been particularly severe for the

         royal  family,  with  the  family's  fear  of  archie's  application  of  the  old  royal  rules,  giving
                                                                 another  opportunity  for  anti-monarchists  to
         skin darkening before his birth and the tardiness
         of  giving  him  the  title  of  Prince  represents  a  denounce these rules, which they consider to
                                                                 be more inherited from the colonial era they
         major  scandal  in  an  international  community
         that has not calmed down from the George                want to get rid of.

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