Page 27 - Issue-30-En
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ELITE                       Vol.1, Issue 30, April 2021                            Happy


                                         The Maadi incident opens the door to a

                                                   much-needed conversation

                                        Habiba Tarek, 3rd Level, Political Science

          On the 9th of march of this year, leaked footage from a  Despite the progress achieved thus far, this case is but a
          surveillance  camera  took  the  internet  by  storm,  and  droplet  in  a  sea  of  unreported  or  inconclusive  cases.
          sparked  online  and  offline  rage  amongst  most  However, it does allow us to broaden the horizon of our
          Egyptians.  The  video  in  question  portrayed  a  middle  conservation. Let’s break this down, shall we?
          aged  man  luring  a  child  into  a  building  located  in  the
          Maadi  neighborhood,  where  he  proceeded  to  sexually  The  first  misconception  I  was  able  to  pinpoint  while
          molest the girl. His crime was interrupted by a lady who  following the news was our faulty perception of who a
          spotted  him  through  the  security  footage  of  the  ‘child’ really  is.  The  first  image  that  comes  to  mind  is
          laboratory she works at and confronted him immediately  probably that of a kindergartner, or a first grader at most.
          despite  his  attempts  to  play  it  off  and  deny  all  While that example does fit the description of a child, it’s
          accusations. This lady’s stance was later on praised by  not the sole example. A minor is anyone below legal age
          Dr.  Maya  Morsy,  head  of  the  National  Council  for
          Women,  who  stated  that  it  is  thanks  to  the  brave  and  - by default, a minor is a child. Does this mean that a 22
          rapid reflex of the lady that the man can now be held  year  old  harassing  a  17  year  old  is  predatory?  By  all
          accountable for his crimes and that his victims can begin  means,  yes.  What  if  that  same  17  year  old  is
          the long process of healing. The video circulated online,  “voluntarily”  involved  in  a  relationship  with  an  older
          and  many  activists  and  social  media  users  rushed  to  person? The simple answer is that there is no such thing
          share  still  pictures  of  the  pedophile  in  order  to  help  as a voluntary relationship between a minor and an adult
          identify him and bring him to justice. Shortly after, the  — a minor cannot legally consent. That behavior is thus
          man    was  arrested  by  security  forces  and  the  Public  defined as grooming. The confusion that a lot of people
          Prosecution Office began its investigation. According to  express  at  the  mention  of  similar  terminology  is  likely
          the  Egyptian  penalty  code,  the  penalty  for  those  due to a gap that exists in our penal code. As I mentioned
          convicted  with  the  sexual  assault  of  minors  below  the  above, the (maximum) penalty of seven years of prison is
          age of twelve is seven years of jail time. In addition to  only  for  those  who  assault  a  child  under  the  age  of
          that,  a  member  of  parliament  named  Ayman  Abul-Ela  twelve;  but  what  of  children  above  the  age  of  twelve?
          presented  a  draft  amendment  to  the  House  of  How do we view them? And where do their rights go?
          Representatives which entails more restrictive penalties
          towards child molesters in Egypt.
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