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ELITE                       Vol.1, Issue 30, April 2021                            Happy

         and they were all colored in the color of the         It was an attempt to build a new solidarity

         totalitarian regime. During the 2003 system,          on  the  ruins  of  a  regime  that  was
         the  number  of  TV  channels  reached  about         complemented        by    discrimination      and

         100.                                                  sectarian  repression.  Unfortunately,  the
         As  for  the  formation  of  parties,  it  has        system  of  consensual  democracy  was

         inevitably had its share of change during the         established and a strong State could not be
         2003 system.                                          built on it. We could put the Iraqi system in

         Instead  of  a  single  party,  300  parties  are     place in 2003 with the hybrid regime, where
         officially registered in each election cycle.         it  is  a  community  that  is  beset  by  fascism
         Since  everything  has  two  sides,  the  multi-      and mutual fear, which has caused a crisis of

         party system in 2003 has been characterized           trust  among  the  components  of  the  State.
         by the true circulation of power, no deputy           That system was called "National Unity and

         has  been  able  to  win  a  second  round  of        Empowerment  for  All."  This  led  to  the
         elections, which allows the other deputies to         formation  of  governments  with  about  90%

         take the lead. The downside is the inability          of  members  of  Parliament.  The  first  basis
         to  make  a  political  decision  among  all  of      for building a strong state, the balancing of

         these parties, owing to their divisions.              government  and  opposition,  was  thus
         One  important  note  is  that  the  totalitarian     absent. The democratic system shifted to the
         regime  did  not  allow  pluralism  or  change        client system by buying votes.

         people  with  power  and  office.  The  Iraq          With  this  closed  regime,  the  State  of
         experience in 2003 tried to avoid what had            corruption, consisting of a client regime, an

         happened  before,  so  its  goal  was  to             irresponsible  government,  an  absence  of
         empower         everyone       and      recognize     parliamentary opposition and an absence of

         multilateralism.                                      citizen oversight, has been integrated.
         The question that we have in mind after all           In  sum,  the  2003  regime  failed  to  build  a

         is:  Can  we  say  that  the  2003  regime  has       country      because      of     the     political
         succeeded  in  getting  rid  of  a  dictatorship      fragmentation  caused  by  the  inability  to
         and  transforming  it  into  a  democratic            establish  genuine  political  parties  on  the

         system?                                               ruins of the totalitarian regime.
         The truth is that it cannot be determined by          The changes required to improve the status

         saying explicitly that it succeeded or failed,        of  the  Iraqi  system  are  comprehensive
         but  we  will  review  some  of  the  criteria  of    reform  in  terms  of  reducing  sectarian

         the  2003  system  that  will  clarify  the           sensitivities,  as  well  as  the  need  to  reduce
         transformation that the Iraqi experience has          the race for unelected incomes and eliminate

         achieved.                                             political  corruption  through  the  emergence
         One  of  the  most  important  criteria  to           of  a  new  political  class  representing  the
         mention  is  that  the  2003  regime  was  a          Iraqi people.

         special experiment for Iraq.
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