Page 22 - Issue-30-En
P. 22
ELITE Vol.1, Issue 30, April 2021 Happy
Sudanese-Israeli normalization,
and the fateof the Palestinian issue?
Amir Khaled , 3rd year, Political Science
Sudan suffered after the United States imposed Sudanese government in areas he owned in
huge sanctions on Sudan after Bill Clinton took Sudan. And after Osama bin Laden settled in
power in America in 1993, as President Bill Sudan, he also encouraged al-Qaeda operatives
Clinton imposed huge financial sanctions on to come to Sudan to train them in areas he
Sudan for harboring many terrorist elements prepared for this purpose.
during the era of Omar al-Bashir, who was The American president accused Sudanese
ruling Sudan. Where the US President accused President Omar Al-Bashir of receiving Osama
Omar al-Bashir of hosting Carlos, who is bin Laden, who is considered one of the most
considered one of the most severe terrorist important symbols of Al-Qaeda, and his deputy,
elements in the world, in addition to that this Ayman Al-Zawhari. And Osama bin Laden
terrorist carried out many terrorist operations in settled in Sudan for a period of 6 years, as
many countries of the world such as France. Osama bin Laden worked on training terrorist
The American president accused Sudanese military forces that were given to him by the
President Omar Al-Bashir of receiving Osama Sudanese government in areas he owned in
bin Laden, who is considered one of the most Sudan. And after Osama bin Laden settled in
important symbols of Al-Qaeda, and his deputy, Sudan, he also encouraged al-Qaeda operatives
Ayman Al-Zawhari. And Osama bin Laden to come to Sudan to train them in areas he
settled in Sudan for a period of 6 years, as prepared for this purpose.
Osama bin Laden worked on training terrorist This was the most important reason why the
military forces that were given to him by the United States of America considered Sudan a