Page 19 - Issue-30-En
P. 19
ELITE Vol.1, Issue 30, April 2021 Happy
Money found A Job!
the endless story of money placement
Adham NasrEldin , Second Level , Political Science
It is usual in our life that if a person finds that organization, or company collects money
he is in dire need of money, then of course he from one or several people for the purpose of
will search for a job suitable for his nature their ability to employ these funds and invest
and earn enough money through it, but what them in various commercial projects in return
is new for our ears is to hear that someone for providing a monthly profit or monthly
has been lazy about performing a job that interest for the owner of the money who
brings him money And he reversed the role deposited his money for this man, this
and created a job for money, how does that organization or this company, which is a
happen? process very similar to what the commercial
This actually happened, as a phenomenon banks do, whose tasks and basis of work are
emerged from the core of our Egyptian based on the money that investors deposit in
society that had spread during the 1980s and these banks,So the banks invest these funds in
1990s of the elapsed century, and its presence several activities while returning money to
in our society continued to this moment depositors with a certain interest, which varies
despite its always tragic consequences, so from one bank to another and from one case to
what is it? another and often differs from one country to
The term "Money Placement" is a term another. There are countries in which the
applied to the process by which a person, central bank imposes a certain interest rate in