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ELITE                       Vol.1, Issue 30, April 2021                            Happy


                                        Panel discussion: Political developments in Iraq

                                                 Marihan Ayman, L3 Économie

          In  a  series  of  discussions  organized  by  the    Iraq had lived in the heart of a totalitarian

          Center  for  Research,  political  Studies  and       regime headed by Saddam Hussein. One-
          Intercultural  dialog  at  the  Faculty  of           party  system  is  the  main  feature  of  the

          Economics  and  political  Science,  Cairo            totalitarian    system      and     even     the
          University,  to  contribute  to  opening  up          criminalization  of  the  formation  of  any
          students' perspectives on important political         other  party,  as  stipulated  in  the  1970
          issues.  We  are  honored  to  host  Professor        constitution, "No political parties shall be

          Firas Makia, the Iraqi constitutional expert.         formed  over  the  Baath  Party".  The
          The symposium was held for discussion on              totalitarian  regime  has  also  defined  the

          a  topic  "Political  and  constitutional             horizons of expression.
          developments in Iraq"                                 In the media, the writers have only been
          Mr. Firas began to welcome students and the           written      in    three     “Baath”      Party

          fact  that  many  of  them  contributed  to  this     newspapers.  In  contrast  to  the  media's
          panel  discussion  by  presenting  various            opportunity for expression in about 1000
          questions  about  what  is  happening  in  Iraq,      newspapers.  This  opportunity  even  went

          especially  after  the  last  important  event.       beyond      the    limits    of    permissible
          That the Vatican Pope visited Iraq, carrying          expression  and  sometimes  came  to  the
          the highest meaning of peace and intimacy,            blunder  and  criticism  during  the  2003

          and the important moral support in the light          system.  But  we  could  describe  it  as  a
          of what Iraq is going through.                        period  of  chaos  and  not  of  absolute
          Mr.  Firas  started  his  speech  in  a  way          freedom.

          comparing  what  was  the  Iraqi  regime  on          Even  the  children's  praise  and  curricula
          during the late President Saddam Hussein's            did not come out of the control of Saddam
          rule and the existing regime after 2003.              Hussein's regime,
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