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ELITE                       Vol.1, Issue 30, April 2021                            Happy


         Another major issue I couldn’t help but feel repulsed  Many fundamental changes must be made, but until
         by was the sympathizing position many people took    they  are,  it  is  of  utmost  importance  for  parents  to
         in  solidarity  with  the  abuser.  “This  is  a  seemingly  start a conversation with their kids regarding sexual
         pious man with a wife and kids,” they said, “Let us  abuse.  It  is  no  taboo,  and  children  must  be  made
         not ruin his image, if not for his sake; then for the  aware  of  the  accurate  anatomical  names  for  their
         sake of his poor family.” This isn’t even the saddest  body parts, so that they would be able to properly
         part;  some  argued  that  the  girl  followed  him  articulate  themselves  in  the  event  of  any
         voluntarily,  and  knew  what  she  was  getting  herself  transgression.  Similarly,  children  must  be  taught
         into.  It  is  no  surprise,  many  have  often  times  boundaries. Their bodies are theirs, and they are no
         attempted to discredit victims of sexual assault, and  less their own just because they’re young. Children

         shame them into silence. However, when met with a    do not belong to their parents or their family, they
         victim  that  baffles  them  and  makes  it  difficult  for  are their own people, and they should be allowed to
         them  to  pin  the  blame  on  her,  they  still  manage  to  set  their  own  boundaries  and  define  their  personal
         sympathize with the criminal and attempt to push the  and private space within safe guidelines. This means
         situation into the shadows. This value system of ours  that  children  should  not  be  forced  to  hug,  kiss,  or
         is inarguably deeply flawed and deeply rooted in the  greet  anyone  against  their  desire.  They  have  the
         oppression and silencing of others.                  right  to  say  NO  as  much  as  any  of  us.  Children
                                                              should  be  comforted,  loved,  and  supported  in  all
                                                              events and at all times. There are still miles  to be
                                                              crossed in terms of bringing justice to all those who
                                                              the system has failed, but we can always set foot on
                                                              the path to a kinder society where people can grow
                                                              and heal from the burdens of past events.

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