Page 15 - Issue-30-En
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ELITE                       Vol.1, Issue 30, April 2021                            Happy

        Counselor  Hilal  Ibrahim,  responsible  for  the      The  students  acknowledged  the  benefits
        Institute’s affairs, explained that the objectives     of  the  unique  experience,  as  they
        of the training program focus on understanding         underscored in their training’s reports, the

        the role of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and        importance of the practical application of
        the nature of the profession in the diplomatic         the academic studies, and the interaction
        field.  The  students  will  also  have  the           with the research centers and the regional

        opportunity to interact with a group of junior
        diplomats  who  are  currently  receiving  their       and international organizations. They also
        training at the Institute - Class 53-, in addition     got an overview about the mechanism of
        to  meeting  current  and  former  diplomats  and      the  preparation  and  development  of  the

        senior officials, as it aims to develop basic job      workforce  of  the  Ministry  of  Foreign
        skills,  knowledge,  tools  for  international         affairs  and  the  relevant  actors  to  the
        communication,  and  priorities  for  diplomatic       diplomatic  service,  in  accordance  to  the

        and consular work. The session lasted for two          requirements  of  the  modern  diplomatic
        weeks, in which a group of specialists, experts,       action.  And  finally,  the  procedures  of
        professors,  ambassadors,  and  a  number  of          transferring the operating environment to
        former  ministers  and  officials  from  state         a  prominent  think  tank  suitable  for

        agencies  and  institutions  lectured  in  the
        framework  of  the  joint  cooperation,  for  the      forward-looking analysis.

        sake of preparing a young generation of future
        egyptian diplomats.
        It  is  noteworthy,  that  the  former  Minister  of
        Foreign  Affairs,  Muhammad  Al-Orabi,  had

        made  a  surprise  visit  in  the  middle  of  the
        sessions, where he met with the students and
        conducted  an  expanded  dialogue  focusing  on

        the efforts of Dean Dr. Mahmoud Al-Saeed to
        provide  this  exceptional  opportunity  for
        students and how to prepare and qualify them
        at the scientific and practical level in various

        fields, beginning with the study of the Protocol
        And  strategic  theories,  to  international
        relations and the field of human rights. He also

        referred to the situation in the MENA region
        as well as in Egypt, and the rapid changes it is
        witnessing due to the emerging Coronavirus.

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