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ELITE                       Vol.1, Issue 30, April 2021                            Happy


        Unlike  what  happens  in  Cairo,  where  people  are
        gathered to show their condolences for 1 day only.

        ‘The Dabka” is Sinai’s most famous dance which is also
        famous in Palestine. Moreover, Sinai is famous for its
        wonderful  cuisine,  where  many  amazing  dishes  are
        prepared  like  “The  Mandi”  and  their  famous  bread.
        Besides their cuisine, Sinai was known for the unique
        shape  of  its  houses  as  they  used  to  be  made  from
        camel’s hair, however, now the houses have developed
        to  become  more  like  the  city  houses.  Sinai  is  also  Besides  religious  tourism,  people  also  visit  Sinai  for
        known for the unique clothing of women, often called   cultural tourism. As they like to visit ” El- Arish valley”
        “Arab dress”, which is known to be made from silk. In  which is the biggest valley in North Sinai, “ Farma area”
        addition to all of the above, the people of Sinai have the  which contains a roman stage and a roman Castle that
        habit  of  visiting  the  Mediterranean  Sea  coast  to  be  continued  to  exist  until  the  Islamic  era  and  the
        blessed  especially  the  people  of  “Al-  Arish”.  As  they  commercial  city  “Katia”  that  goes  back  to  the  era  of
        firmly believe that going to the sea once a year before”  Mamelukes. Sinai has various castles, for example “Al-
        Sham  El  Nessim”  cures  from  diseases.  Following   Areesh Castle” where the Turks signed a treaty with the
        Prophet Ayoub, men go down the sea from the morning    French  campaign,  “Nekhel  Castle”  and  “Taba  Castle”.
        till  noon,  while  praying  and  getting  closer  to  Allah  Lastly,  there’s  “Yamit”,  which  is  a  city  built  and
        through Dua.                                           destroyed by the Israelis, where it was destroyed before

                                                               the Israelis retreated.
        As  mentioned  before,  Sinai  is  visited  for  various
        reasons.  Students  have  mentioned  that  incase  of    “Yamit”  has  the  famous  “  Dayan  rock"  that  is
        religious tourism, there are various sites that are worth  considered a famous site to be visited, where it has the
        seeing.  Firstly,  Mount  El-  Tawilat,  Mountain  of  Toor  names  of  the  Israeli  pilots  engraved  on  it,  this  rock
        and Mount Moses (Jabal Mussa) where God has talked     hasn’t been moved as a result of a clause in the Peace
        to  prophet  Musa  (Moses).  In  addition  to  the  grave  of  Treaty. There are many sites that have to be visited in
        both Prophets Saleh and Haroun located at the entrance  Sinai  like  its  natural  reserves  like  “Ras  Muhammed
        of “Saint Catherine” and the Tree of Mary.             National park” and “Ras Sedr”, as well as its amazing

                                                               beaches located in Sharm El-Sheikh, Nuweibaab, Taba
                                                               as well as “The blue Hole” located in Dahab, which is
                                                               one of the most famous diving areas in the world.

                                                               Coinciding  with  the  holy  month  of  Ramadan  and  our
                                                               topic  for  this  issue,  we  highly  encourage  you  to  visit
                                                               Sinai in this time of the year to enjoy the traditions of its
                                                               people. Starting with seeing the crescent and the singing
                                                               of children to the famous songs of Ramadan and ending
                                                               with  The  Qadr  Night  on  the  27th  day  of  Ramadan.
                                                               Undoubtedly,  the  people  of  Sinai  have  always  been
                                                               known  for  their  originality  and  their  interconnection,
                                                               despite  facing  various  problems  and  challenges.  The
                                                               intense police efforts with the cooperation of the people
                                                               of  Sinai  has  helped  in  keeping  Sinai  a  beautiful  and
                                                               mesmerizing touristic place.
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