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ELITE                       Vol.1, Issue 30, April 2021                            Happy

        graceful music.
                                                                Oh,  how  happy  I  am  to  see  the  persons  I
                                                                previously worked with now in important positions
        The  period  between  2011  and  2013  was  extremely   such as the vice deanship.
        difficult for Egypt and for Cairo University. Anyone you
        can  think  of  entered  the  university:  Erdogan,  Morsi,  Concerning health economics, I want to thank Dr
        liberals,  and  Muslim  Brotherhood  members.  We       Ashraf because he is the one who started Health
        performed  our  role  in  an  impartial  manner,  as  a  and  Research  and  used  to  take  us  with  him
        university  of  enlightenment.  In  2013,  protests  were  everywhere, even to Arab countries. We were in
        underway at Nahda Square, across the University, and    the early stages of PhD at that time and we were
        we  were  working  inside.  After  this  period,  I  left  my  a  shining  group  on  an  international  level;  we
        administrative duties to seek some quiet time doing my  accompanied  Dr  Ashraf  to  the  World  Health
        academic  job  as  a  professor  and  supervisor  of  the  Organization and the World Bank.
        master’s degree in health economics, which is the first
        interdisciplinary  degree  between  the  Faculty  of    We are proud of your selection as one of the
        Medicine  and  FEPS,  in  addition  to  my  work  on  the  50 most influential women in Egypt according
        Faculty’s  scientific  journal,  which  we  are  hoping  to  to  Amwal  al-Ghad  magazine.  Tell  us  more
        transform into an international journal.
                                                                about the background to this selection.
        After  this  rich  career,  to  whom  is  Dr  Heba  Nassar  According to their statements, Amwal al-Ghad is
                                                                a  financial  magazine  that  carries  out  annual
                                                                statistics  to  determine  a  list  of  women  who  are
        On  a  family  level,  I’m  so  grateful  to  my  mother  who  most  influential  in  the  field  of  corporations  and
        accompanied me throughout my journey after my father    finance.  The  magazine  then  presents  this  list  to
        passed  away  when  I  was  ten.  She  used  to  come  to  its  members  for  them  to  determine  the  50  most
        school  with  me  and  help  me  write  down  my  lessons,  influential  women  in  a  certain  year.  I’m  not  the
        even  though  she  didn’t  understand  German.  And  she  first  to  be  chosen  for  this  award;  Dr  Mona  El-
        was open-minded; she encouraged me to travel when I     Baradei and Dr Hala were chosen before me. But
        was  in  school  and  in  my  senior  year  as  well.  I  also  I  was  very  happy  with  this  selection  because  I
        recall  my  father-in-law  who  helped  me  a  lot  in  the  found out that 45-year-old women had managed
        beginning of my career, which was a difficult period of  to reach remarkable positions such as executive
        balancing travel, my master’s degree and my children.
                                                                director for a company like Microsoft. It was there
                                                                that  I  met  Dr  Hala  Hatem  Sadek  who  was  a
        On  the  academic  level,  I’d  like  to  mention  Professor  student at FEPS and who now runs a renowned
        Amr  Mohy  El-Deen  who  was  my  master’s  and  PhD    bank. I’m so happy with the women I met and the
        supervisor. He was called the Prince of Economics in    fact  that  women  have  been  able  to  reach  such
        the Arab World. And he was a confident person, keen     remarkable  positions.  I’m  also  happy  that  I
        on seeing his students develop and grow because he      received  this  award  at  the  same  time  as  the
        realized  that  this  was  his  role  that  he  had  faithfully  scientific  publishing  award  from  the  University;
        fulfilled.  He  didn’t  only  help  me,  but  he  also  helped  the latter is the third of its kind that I’ve received
        everyone  who  reached  out  to  him.  There  are  many  in  around  five  years  and  I’m  particularly  happy
        other professors who supported me such as Dr Hanaa      considering  that  most  people  my  age  are  less
        and Dr Salwa. I’d also like to thank Dr Hanan Mohamed   passionate about research and publication.
        who  was  my  assistant  at  AUC  since  she  was  a  few
        years younger than I was; she used to help me with my   Aside  from  the  important  administrative
        statistical  projects  and  we  had  many  conversations  positions that you’ve occupied, your research
        where she was always trying to patiently explain to me  positions  have  been  influential  as  well,
        in  spite  of  my  many  demands.  Sometimes  she  would  whether  as  director  of  the  Social  Research
        have to ask me: “doctor, do you understand statistics?”
                                                                Center at AUC, or as editor-in-chief of the
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