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ELITE                       Vol.1, Issue 30, April 2021                            Happy


                                           Prof.Heba Nassar, ELITE Guest
                         Developmental projects are tangible realities yet we

                               need equal investment in the human capital

                     Cairo: Carolin Sherief, Anthony Ayman, translated to English by Nadeen Hesham

        Our Faculty is distinguished by a bright group of professors who  interaction; many of our professors were renowned such as Dr
        have excelled in various ways in the academic and administrative  Hanaa and Dr Amr Mohy El-Deen with whom we had good
        spheres. That is why Elite Magazine is proud to host Professor  and kind relations, as we did amongst ourselves as students.
        Dr.  Heba  Nassar  -  Editor-in-Chief  of  the  two  scientific  We  were  only  45  students;  so,  we  felt  distinguished  in  the
        magazines of FEPS, former Vice President of the University for  University.
        Community Service and who has been  recently selected among
        the  50  most  influential  Egyptian  women  according  to  the  My background was in the arts section at school and when I
        classification of Amwal Elghad magazine - and in this issue, we  entered the Faculty, we had to choose between law and math.
        publish the interview that took place between her and the editors  I chose law but I didn’t understand anything and politics was
        of ELITE.                                                                                   boring. I found economics logical and this led me to choose
                                                               math  over  law,  which  was  a  tragedy  because  we  hadn’t
        First  of  all,  you’ve  had  a  rich  journey  with  the  Faculty  of  studied math in the arts section. I thus went to my uncle Dr
        Economics and Political Science; how did your relationship  Adel Ashour – may Allah’s mercy be upon him – who was
        with the Faculty begin and why did you choose it?                                                                                                                      d its
                                                               very patient with me and I found myself enjoying math an
                                                               steps. At the end of the year, I was surprised to find out that I
        Honestly, I made the decision based on my  score:  94%.  I was  had gotten a perfect score on my final exam and an excellent
        ranked fourth nationwide and it was the first time that students in  grade  in  economics,  compared  to  a  good  in  politics;  so,  I
        the arts section had gotten scores beyond 90%. I had gone to a  chose to major in economics.
        German school and I wanted to join the German department at  Things started to change when I was appointed as a teaching
        the  Faculty  of  Arts,  but  everyone  warned  me  against  “wasting  assistant. The Faculty allowed us to start teaching as soon as
        my  score”  and  advised  me  to  join  FEPS.  I  was  very  happy,  we graduated; so, we taught for our friends in their first years
        though, with this choice because 10 of my classmates had joined  at the Faculty and we knew each other since we were small in
        me and I was looking forward to learning new things other than  number. We then began taking further steps into the academic
        the German language. FEPS had its own kind of environment in  field, but it wasn’t an easy period; after earning my master’s
        terms of work and                                      degree, I travelled to Germany to obtain my PhD while

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