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ELITE                       Vol.1, Issue 30, April 2021                            Happy



                                     Mother's day tray

                         Prof. nevine mossaad, feps professor of political science
        Just like everything else in life, the gift of Mother's Day was subject  choose between a tray suitable for cooking pizza and another
        to  the  logic  of  development,  and  this  development  was  linked  to  suitable for making biscuits! When our friend tried to explain
        many  things,  such  as  to  the  economic  situation  and  the  rise  in  this strange evolution, she said that her children were affected
        prices, therefore what could be bought in one year can no longer be  by  the  division  of  labor  between  men  and  women,  but  this
        bought in another. The gift was also related to the issue of need, and  explanation  did  not  last  for  long,  as  she  had  previously
        from here, if the purpose of the gift was to fill the deficiencies, it  received  from  them  in  previous  stages  personal  gifts  that
        was  natural  for  the  gift  to  differ  according  to  the  needs  of  the  crossed  biological  differences  such  as  books.  Maybe  the
        mother from year to year. The evolution of the gift was also linked  children have  moved  towards  conservatism?  Despite  all  the
        at times to the nature of the relationship between the children and  modern values projected to them? Caution is required, then. Or
        their mother; if it became strained for one reason or another before  would  that  be  an  attempt  to  make  things  easier,  given  that
        Mother’s  Day,  the  gift  became  a  mere  fulfilment  of  a  duty  and
        lacked  the  intimacy  that  was  characteristic  of  previous  years.  choosing  a  rectangular  or  square  tray  is  much  easier  than
        Yesterday  was  March  21,  Egypt’s  official  day  to  celebrate  all  choosing  a  painting  or  neckless?  Our  friend  missed  the  old
        mothers,  may  God  bless  them  with  long  lives.  To  revive  this  days when children drew hearts and countless red bears for her.
        celebration in a different way, let’s follow the journey of Mother's  It is likely that this development is related to our friend’s age,
        Day gift through the experience of a woman who has gone through  but do these children not know that she has been reluctant to
        all possible stages of its evolution.                  enter  the  kitchen  for  a  long  time  because  of  her  low  blood
                                                               pressure? Certainly, they know, so do they mean, then, to help
        Our friend received her first Mother’s Day gift from her children  her  home  assistant  who  is  doing  the  cooking?  Even  this
        when they were in the nursery stage, and it consisted of their own  interpretation is not correct because they are already dedicating
        drawings.  Drawings  at  this  early  stage  were  usually  simple  lines  a suitable gift to her aid.
        that fully rotate to make a sun or moon, or turn half a circle to draw
        a heart. There is nothing wrong with wavy lines that represented the  Finally,  our  friend  reached  the  last  stop,  a  station  where  the
        letters with which the words “mom” or “I love you” begin. Many of  Mother's Day gift has witnessed an amazing development. Her
        these  papers  are  still  kept  by  our  friend,  along  with  a  number  of  boys  entered  her  with  a  medium-sized  box  wrapped  in  a
        other handwritten documents of her children, threatening them from  cheerful gift paper and tied with an elegant golden ribbon. This
        time to time to leak them, with all the small errors and excessive  box  cannot  have  a  tray  inside  it,  the  dimensions  are  very
        innocence they contain; they then warn her not to reveal their secret  different .. Praise be to God, and it cannot contain a dozen of
        which made them all laugh. After that, the gift evolved, it was no  dishes. They have already presented that with a set of spoons
        longer handmade, but became a bought gift. Some pounds deducted
        from  the  children’s  monthly  allowance  along  with  the  necessary  and knives last year; is it possible to repeat the same gift? No,
        financial support from the father were sufficient to buy a bottle of  no, this is unlikely. Mmmmm ... Our friend was confused, and
        perfume, a silk scarf, a bouquet of roses, a novel by Na`im Sabri or  although she wanted to show some patience in opening the box
        a  CD  by  Ali  Al-Haggar.  The  trembling  lines  also  turned  into  a  and  taking  out  the  promised  gift,  she  did  not  succeed  in
        group  of  compact  letters  in  which  children  expressed  their  great  restraining her feelings. The boys, one after the other, printed a
        gratitude, they were writing to her also in English.   kiss on her forehead: Happy Mother’s Day mum. The red of
                                                               anticipation colored her cheeks, and she responded gratefully.
        At  a  later  stage,  and  in  mysterious  circumstances,  a  radical  She was loosening the golden ribbon, then the colored paper,
        development  took  place  in  the  concept  of  Mother’s  Day  gift.  curiosity was about to kill her. Inside the big box there were
        Mother’s Day gifts have turned into household items, a Tefal tray, a  two  other  smaller  boxes.  She  looked  at  them  and  did  not
        colourful  set  of  tea  cups,  and  a  meat  grill.  The  children  kept  on  understand  what  exactly  was  inside.  She  heard  one  of  them
        informing the mother that she could exchange the gift for another  saying  triumphantly:  “We  brought  you  two  blood  pressure
        from the store; oh peace! Who would like to            devices,  so  you  could  reassure  yourself  before  entering  the
                                                               kitchen.”  Although  she  was  very  surprised,  she  laughed  and
                                                               laughed until her tears flowed!
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