Page 16 - Issue-30-En
P. 16

ELITE                       Vol.1, Issue 30, April 2021                            Happy


                                          The Suez Canal crisis: How one ship

                                            blocked $10 billion worth of trade

                                               YASMIN TAREK, 4TH LEVEL , ECONOMIC

                                                             Disruption of global trade and its impact on the economy
                                                             The  blockage  caused  significant  delays  in  oil  and  other
       On  Tuesday,  March  23,  after  being  caught  in  40-knot  commodity  deliveries.  Making  some  businesses  consider
       winds and a sandstorm that caused low visibility and poor  rerouting  ships  across  the  southern  tip  of  Africa,  which
       navigation, The Ever Given wedged diagonally across and  would  add  about  two  weeks  to  the  journey  and  raise  the
       blocked  The  Suez  Canal.  The  Ever  Given  (a  container  piracy problem.
       ship that sails under the Panamanian flag with 25 Indian  The  economic  fallout  started  almost  immediately  after  the
       crew members on board) is owned by Japanese shipping  Ever  Given  ran  aground,  with  crude  oil  prices  fluctuating
       company  Shoei  Kisen  KK  and  operated  by  Evergreen  wildly. As the Canal is a crucial conduit for oil shipments
       Marine (a Taiwanese company) is almost as long as the  from the Persian Gulf to Europe and North America. Before
       Empire State Building, it measures 400 meters long and  the pandemic, the canal handled about 5% of globally traded
       59 meters wide and weighs 219000 ton.                 crude oil and 10% of refined petroleum products. Following
       The Suez Canal was blocked for around 6 days because  the blockage in the canal, the price of oil, the international
       the Panamanian container ship (Ever Given), which was  standard,  jumped  5%  to  $62.52  a  barrel  on  Wednesday,
                                                             March 24. Yet, a short-term outage was unlikely to have a
       sailing from China to the Netherlands port of Rotterdam,  long-term effect, since oil demand remained low during the
       caused Trade disruption around the world and one of the  pandemic. The countries that send the most oil through the
       worst shipping jams in years. The blockage resulted in a  canal, Russia and Saudi Arabia, are likely to be specifically
       massive  traffic  jam,  over  300  ships  along  the  193-  affected. Also, the impact will reach India and China, which
       kilometer canal were stopped.                         are the two largest oil importers through the canal.
       Stressing  the  importance  of  the  Suez  Canal  that  is  In  addition  to  gasoline,  the  canal  transports  consumer
       considered one of the world’s most vital shipping lanes.  products such as clothes, furniture, and auto parts. According
       As Suez Canal handles about 12% of all global trade, in  to Bloomberg, around $10 billion worth of goods is currently
       2020 according to the Suez Canal Authority (SCA)19,000  trapped in the Canal, with global trade losses of about $400
       ships passed through the canal, and more than 50 ships a  million  per  hour.  "Every  port  in  Western  Europe  will  be
       day. Additionally, container ships make up about 26% of  affected," a spokesman for the EU's largest port, Rotterdam,
       the canal's total traffic, which is dominated by oil tankers.  said.  The  blockage  would  almost  certainly  be  costly  to
       As compared to the path around Africa's southern tip, the  Germany's economy. Egypt, on the other hand, lost between
       passage saves ships about 7,000 kilometers of travel time.  18 and 20 million US dollars per day.
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