Page 34 - Issue-30-En
P. 34

ELITE                       Vol.1, Issue 30, April 2021                            Happy


                                  "Needy or fraudulent!"
                                       Bilal Gamal_ Third Level_ Political Science

        The first thing that comes to your mind when you The  first  situation:  “On  a  public  transport,  a
        hear  the  word  "beggar"  is  your  imagination  of young  man  in  his  thirties  wears  elegant  clothes
        someone  reaching  out  his  hand  and  asking  for who does not suspect that he is begging, stands in

        financial help from passers-by as a means of their front of the passengers, and begins his dramatic
        sympathy,  wearing  shabby  and  torn  clothes,  his story, saying,“ My mother who is detained in the
        features dominated by misery and distress, and his hospital needs a package of blood and does not
        speech is often crudely. Indeed, this is the beggar, have  the  money  to  buy  it,  he  asks  people  for
        but in his traditional form..                         financial  help  to  be  able  to  buy  it,  and  it  is
         But in recent times, a modern pattern appeared in surprising that this young man repeated the same
        beggary, contrary to the traditional pattern, namely, situation  several  times  on  different  days.  It  is

        the pattern of deceptive masked begging, where the clear that this is a profession that he depends on
        features of beggars in the past became completely in bringing in money.
        different from the features of beggars in the present.
        The modern beggar has become elegant and tactful The  second  situation:  "You  are  surprised  by  an
        in  dealing,  and  there  are  modern  and  innovative elegant  young  man  who  gets  in  your  way  and
        tricks that are persuade the person to give them the begins  his  dramatic  dialogue,  saying,"  He  was

        money they are asking smoothly without suspecting fired from work and could not bring money to his
        that they are fraudulent beggars.                     family  and  needs  help,  but  it  is  also  surprising
                                                              that  after  a  few  days  have  passed,  you  will  be
        Observers of these issues are well aware that most surprised  by  the  same  young  man  who  gets  in
        beggars  take  beggary  as  a  profession,  and  depend your way for the second time and tells the same
        on it to collect money. And it is also clear that these story to you and ask for financial help. It is also
        beggars do not work randomly, but rather belong to clear that his job is to beg.

        systematic and organized gangs, all of them suffer
        from  the  disease  of  "fetching  money  through
        deception". They want to obtain the largest wealth
        in the least time and in the easiest way.

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