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Vol.1 Issue 26, December 2020                        ELITE

                                                    better.  So,  instead  of  abstaining,  they  sell   their  votes   to  satisfy  some  needs,
                                                    they  are  not  aware  of  how   the  sale  of  votes  affects   their  future.  In  additio  n,
                                                    the  students   denounced  the   acts   of   voters   seeking   authority   and   privileges
                                                    from   the   seat   of   parliament   ,   so   they   do   their   best   to   win   for   their   own
                                                    personal   gain.  It   is   difficult   then  to  assume   that  people  without   conscience
                                                    or   principles  will  be   responsible   for  legislating   r   laws  that   are   supposed  to
                                                    improve our situation.

                                                    When it comes to who has the biggest role in vote buying, opinions diverge,
                                                    with  some   arguing   that   parties   are   most   responsible   for   the   spread   of   this
                                                    phenomenon,   they   seek  to   maintain   their   position   and  use   their   influence,
                                                    even   by   buying   votes   rather   than   being   from   the   agreement   s   People   s   .
                                                    Others   see   that   the   independents   contributed   more   to   this   phenomenon   .
                                                    Also,   party   members   have   a   greater   ability   to   influence   people,   while
                                                    independent   épendants   -  even  if   people   are   needed  more   votes,   this   stream
                                                    will be available s they buy them. By looking at both points of view, we can
                                                    conclude that the responsibility is almost equal; the parties and independent
                                                    candidates have contributed to the spread of the phenomenon in one way   or
                                                    another,  and   over  time,  not   deterrence  or  punishment   to  end,  it  has   become
                                                    difficult to control the situation today .
                                                    Finally,   the   last   question   was   about   the   tools   to   reduce   this,   there   was   a
                                                    consensus   to  unanimity   among   students   on   the   fact   that   the   rapid  pace   of
                                                    life  prevents   citizens  to  be   concerned   about  EVE   events   policies.   This  can
                                                    be reformed by raising awareness among citizens and better educating them
                                                    about  the  importance   of  parliament.   In  addition,  the  vote   of  each   citizen   is
                                                    also   very   important,   it   '   is   considered   an   individual   participation   of   every
                                                    citizen  in  the  development  of  the  system  to  change  the  mistakes  past  e  s  we
                                                    suffer  until  now  and  change  as   our  fate   for  the   best.  On  the   other  ha  nd,  we
                                                    can   work   to   increase   the   role   and   effectiveness   of   parliament   .   Also,   it   is
                                                    very  important  to  criminalize   similar   corruption  cases.  This  can   take   place
                                                    if   there   are   observers   at   each   candidate's   election   campaigns   ,   during   the
                                                    voting period, and reporting to the authorities for each candidate or party.   If
                                                    any  candidate  or   party  did  not   follow  instructions   or  attempt  to   buy  votes  ,
                                                    they  should  be   punished  by   being  removed   from  the  lists.   Of  course,  when
                                                    these   proposals   will   be   half   its   implementation,   the   phenomenon   will
                                                    disappear   î  be   graduell  ly,   and   voters   begin   to   have   the   freedom   to   choose
                                                    which   are   the   s   best   s   ,   rather   than   the   more   operators   ,   as   their

                                                    In conclusion , the presence of elections is one of the most important pillars
                                                    of democratic societies and, in the absence of elections, democracy is called
                                                    into   question.   So   the   question   remains   :   will   people   be   more   concerned
                                                    about  their   daily   lives   and  continue  to  ignore  their   right  to  vote   ?   Do  th  ey
                                                    continue   to   sell   their   votes   against   material   things   ,   although   all   peoples
                                                    seek  to  have  a  more   democratic  system  ?  Or  will  this  behavior  change  over
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