Page 9 - Issue 26
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Vol.1 Issue 26, December 2020                        ELITE

                                       Dr Nermeen Tawfik , Researcher in African Affairs

       When   Abiy   Ahmed   assumed   power   in   Ethiopia   as   a   prime  Egypt   over   the   Renaissance  Dam,  prompting   Egypt  to   denounce
       minister   in   2018,   he   was   regarded   as   a   young   leader   and  his statements.
       reformer,   capable   of   accommodating   everyone   in   his   this  Then   came   the   dangerous   developments   that   took   place   in
       ethnically-diverse   country,   which   its   constitution   establishes   a  November   4,   2020,   in   which   he   launched   a   military   crackdown
       federal system for its nine states. Abiy came to power on the back  against   protests   in   the   northern   Tigray   region,   taking   advantage
       of   massive   protests   by   the   Oromo   ethnicity   that   he   belongs   to.  of the US elections. He then sacked his foreign minister, the army
       The   protests   forced   "Hailemariam   Desalegn"   to   resign.   Abiy   is  chief and the head of Intelligence.
       young   and   well-educated,   and   holds   a   doctorate   from   Addis  When   we   look   at   the   causes   and   motives   that   led   to   these
       Ababa   University,   and   a   master's   degree   from   Western  dangerous   developments,   we  will   know  that   Ethiopia  is   basically
       universities,   which   helped   him   know   that   people   can   make  a   multi-ethnic   country,  its   national   integration   was   not  voluntary
       change   whenever  they  want   to.   Not  only  that,  he  also  moved  fast  but   was   forced   upon   it,  and   it   doesn't   have   an   inclusive  national
       to   make   peace   with   Eritrea,   following   years   of   war   that   left  identity.   If   the   ruling   regime   fails   to   accommodate   these   ethnic
       hundreds   of  deaths  on  both  sides.   He  became   the   first   Ethiopian  groups,   many  of   them   would   seek   cession   and   self-rule.   This   is
       leader   to   meet   with   his   Eritrean   counterpart   in   more   than   two  what the late Ethiopian prime minister "Meles Zenawy" sought to
       decades,   in   addition   to   his   regional   moves   and   his   positive  address  in  the  early  nineties,  after  coming  to  power  following  his
       mediation role in Sudan's crisis.                      defeat   of   the   then   Marxist   leader   "Mengistu".   He   established   a
       Soon   after   coming   to   power,   Western  circles   nominated   him  for  federal   system  for   the   country,   according   to   which   its   provinces
       Nobel   Peace   Prize,   which   he   actually   won   in   2019,   but   after  and   states  were  divided  along  ethnic  lines.  But  Zenawy  preferred
       winning the Prize, his domestic and foreign policies changed in a  his  Tigray  ethnicity  over  others,  although   it  was  a  small   minority
       reckless way, as the domestic front went through huge turmoil, so  making   up   only   7%   of   the   Ethiopian   population.   The   Tigray
       much   so   that   he   was   subjected   to   an   assassination   attempt  group had the advantage in government and key official positions
       organized   by   former   army   leaders,   followed   by   several  in   the   army  and  ministries.  This  situation  upset  other   minorities,
       demonstrations   organized   by   his   Oromo   ethnicity,   that   by   that  especially the Oromo and Amhara which make up the majority in
       time   had   a   new   leader,   Gawhar   Ahmed.   The   protests   reached   a  the   country.   This   led   eventually   to   massive   demonstrations   that
       peak   with   the   murder   of   the   young   singer   "Hashalo   Hondisa",  lasted   for   three   years,   from   2015   to   2018,   catapulting   Abiy
       who   had   emerged   as  a   political  voice   for  the   Oromo  people.  But  Ahmed   to   power,  making   him   the   first  Ethiopian  prime   minister
       Abiy Ahmed repressed these protests, arresting Gawhar Ahmed.   to come from the Oromo group. In spite of the promises he made
       To   escape   this   pressure,   he   tried   to   distract   popular   attention  at   the   start   of   his   rule,   to   accommodate   all   ethnicities,   he   didn't
       away   from   his   domestic   and   foreign   crises,   by   controversially  learn   the   lesson.   In   just   a   few   short   months,   ethnic   protests
       stating in Ethiopian parliament that he was ready for war against    erupted against him, organized by Somali, Amhara, even from

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