Page 11 - Issue 26
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Vol.1 Issue 26, December 2020                        ELITE

                                                                                 translated by Alyiaa Assem

                Yasmine Aladdin, Assistant Researcher, Women Studies Unit

       This  workshop  is  considered  the  first  of  its  kind  within  the  number of professors and professors who influenced the papers and
       framework  of  the  activities  of  the  Women's  Studies  Unit  in  the  discussions,  headed  by  Professor  Dina  Al-Khawaja,  Professor  Dr.
       Faculty  of  Economics  and  Political  Science,  Cairo  University,  Mazen Hassan, Professor Dr. Rawia Tawfiq, Professor Dr. Yasmine
       during  the  16-18  days  of  November  of  this  year  through  the  Fouad, and Dr. Amal Hamada.
       application of Zoom, to include a constellation of decision-makers,  In  the  workshop,  11  papers  presented  in  various  axes  were
       professors and researchers in this context. The workshop topics  discussed,  and  among  the  most  important  issues  raised  in  the
       included  five  sessions  on  feminist  knowledge  and  social  sessions were the following:
       empowerment of women in Egypt, women's political participation,
       and their role in combating terrorism, in addition to the economic  The elements that distinguish feminist knowledge, its sources, and
       dimension. The last session focused on the social axis.  what it can offer to develop the human sciences in particular.
                                                              The  importance  of  understanding  cultural  factors  in  the  context  of
       Against  the  background  of  that;  The  opening  session  came  to  understanding  the  phenomenon  of  women's  political  participation
       include Dr. Amal Hamada's speech on the activities and projects  and its limits in Egyptian society in particular and eastern societies in
       of  the  unit,  the  agenda  for  this  workshop,  and  a  greeting  and  general.
       appreciation to those who supported and pushed the unit forward  The importance of using empirical methods and employing them in
       from  its  inception  until  now.  Gilan  Al-Messiri,  Deputy  the  study  of  political  phenomena,  and  their  significance  in
       Representative of the United Nations Women in the Cairo Office -  understanding these phenomena.
       in  which  she  focused  on  the  challenges  that  coincided  with  the  The  need  to  understand  the  different  roles  of  women  in  the
       year  2020  with  regard  to  women,  internally  and  externally,  phenomenon  of  terrorism  and  the  importance  of  strengthening
       praising  Egypt's  progress  in  this  field,  especially  in  light  of  the  studies  that  focus  on  these  different  roles,  especially  the  roles  of
       global Corona epidemic, and noting in a hurry the most important  women  in  terms  of  peacebuilding  and  countering  terrorism  at  the
       indicators,  its  indications  and  its  future  in  supporting  various  societal level.
       women's issues.
       Then came the speech of the Dean of the College, Dr. Mahmoud  Discussions  in  the  economic  axis  focused  on  the  issue  of  unpaid
       Al-Saeed,  to  confirm  in  his  words  the  support  provided  by  the  domestic  work  and  its  impact  on  gender  equality  opportunities,  in
       state to women in the public sphere, as well as referring to some  addition  to  studying  the  effect  of  in-kind  and  in-kind  support  on
       important  files  related  to  women,  such  as  the  impact  of  the  entrepreneurship  projects.  The  discussions  raised  the  need  to
       Corona  epidemic  on  women,  the  dangers  of  terrorism,  the  complete studies on these two issues and develop new mechanisms
       challenges facing the sovereignty and security of the nation-state,  to understand and evaluate the roles of women in this context.
       the  importance  of  resisting  this  phenomenon,  and  political  roles  The discussions in the last session focused on the development of
       Economic and social for Egyptian women.                legislation in Egypt on personal status issues and courts, moving to
       The  opening  session  was  honored  by  Prof.  Dr.  Hala  Al-Saeed,  the link between the personal status file and the feminist movement
       Minister  of  Planning  and  Economic  Development,  who  and  the  intersectionality  of  discrimination  and  dialogue  between
                                                              feminists on this topic, leading to the relationship of women with the
       emphasized  in  her  speech  the  importance  of  sustainability  and  Fatwa House and the evolution of the history and inclusion of women
       continuity in the unit's various activities and effectiveness. In her  in this institution and the fatwa and its content in particular.
       speech,  she  focused  on  the  position  of  women  within  the  A group of graduates of the professional master's program in gender
       framework  of  Egypt's  Vision  2030  and  the  Sustainable  and development in both the economic and social axis participated in
       Development  Goals,  especially  the  fifth  goal.  It  indicated  the  the  workshop,  in  addition  to  a  distinguished  group  of  faculty
       indicators  achieved  in  this  area  and  their  indications  on  the  professors  and  graduates  working  in  government  and  private
       ground. The Egyptian state also made efforts to prepare programs  research centers.
       to  empower  women,  especially  at  the  leadership  level,  and  This  workshop  comes  within  a  policy  developed  by  the  Women's
       recommended  at  the  end  of  her  speech  the  need  to  work  on  Studies  Unit  in  the  College  on  the  importance  of  holding  annual
       developing  working  papers  and  policy  papers  that  benefit  the  workshops to exchange experiences on issues, curricula, and tools
       decision-maker.                                        that  help  in  developing  the  research  agenda  of  the  Faculty  of
       The papers presented in the workshop were discussed by a   Economics and Political Science in general.

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