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Vol.1 Issue 26, December 2020                        ELITE

      the   Oromo   people,   but   the   most   dangerous   of   them   was   the  warning that millions could be displaced if this war continues.
      animosity   between   Abiy   and   the   Tigray   ethnicity.   At   the  These repercussions make it necessary for Abiy to realize that the
      beginning,   Abiy   entered   a   silent   hostility   against   the   Tigray  war   with   Tigray   won't   be   easy   or   go   unnoticed,   either
      People Liberation Front (TPLF), as he sought to limit its growing  domestically   or   externally.   Because   the   Tigrayans   have   along
      influence in Ethiopian government, and army.            military   and   political   experience   inside   Ethiopia,   and   a   strong
      Then the relations between the two sides became extremely tense  foreign   backing   from   the   Tigrayan   Diaspora   living   in   the   US,
      in   December   2019,   when  Abiy   dissolved   the   Ethiopian  People's  many   of  them  enjoy  good  relations  with  decision-making  circles
      Revolutionary   Democratic   Front   (EPRDF),   the   former   ruling  in   America.   This   means   that   they   would   turn   the   international
      party,  and   forming  the  Prosperity   Party  which  he  headed,  but  the  public  opinion   against   Abiy  Ahmed.   And  we   have   already  seen
      TPLF   refused   to   join   his   party,   arguing   that   he   attempted   to  how   prominent   international   newspapers   are   talking   about   this
      monopolize   power.  The  situation  got  worse   after  Abiy's  decision  crisis   with   deep  concern,   criticizing   Abiy,  including  the   Foreign
      to   postpone   the   elections   scheduled   for   September   2020,   citing  Policy   magazine   that   called   what   was   happening   in   Ethiopia   a
      the Corona Virus outbreak.  But The TPLF saw this as a violation  civil  war.  For  its   part,  the   New   York  Times  described   the   events
      of constitution, paving the way for Abiy to stay in power with no  in   the   Tigray   region   as  a  tragedy,  holding   Abiy   responsible,  and
      legal   or   constitutional   basis.   Afterwards,   the   Tigray   Front  stating that he turned from being a peace dove into a warmonger.
      organized elections on schedule in September, and defended their  Ironically,   Abiy   didn't  respect   the   "Silencing  the  Guns"  initiative
      results   notwithstanding   the   federal   government's   failure   to  that  was  adopted   by   the   African   Union  in  2020  aimed  at   halting
      recognize   them.   Eventually,   this   situation   led   to   military  armed  conflict   in   African   countries.   It   is   worthy   to   note  that   the
      escalation, and in November 7, the Ethiopian parliament passed a  African   Union's   headquarters   is   located   in   the   Ethiopian   capital
      resolution   dissolving   the   Tigray   government,   forming   a   new  Addis  Ababba,  which  makes  it  imperative  for   the   African  Union
      interim   government   for   the   region.   Abiy   then   imposed   a   six-  to   have   a   decisive   position,   and   urge   Abiy   to   immediately   end
      month   curfew,   closed   the   region's  entrances,   sent   land   troops   to  hostilities.
      fight   the   Tigray  region,   and   gave   order   to   the   army  to   bomb  its  All  of   this   point  out   that   Abiy   has   frustrated  the  high  hopes  that
      people with warplanes, leaving hundreds dead in few days, which  were  placed  on  him   when  he  came  to   power.  Abiy  must  come  to
      could turn the Tigray region into a new Darfur.         his   senses;   stop   targeting   his   opponents   and   civilians   in   the
      All  of   this  reveals  the  true  face  of  Abiy   Ahmed  before  the  world,  Tigray   region,   and   resort   to  dialogue.   He   should  also   set   a   date
      especially  the   Western   circles,  and   puts   his  rule  at   risk.   Because  for   general   elections   to   salvage   what   he   could   in   order   to   save
      this war could potentially plunge Ethiopia into a devastating civil  this  important  country  and  its  neighbors  from   the  horrors  of  war,
      war,   that   may   spill   over   to   neighboring   states   like   Eretria   and  if   he   really   cares   about   peace   inside   and   outside   his   country.
      Sudan,   As   the   Tigrayans   launched   rockets   at   Eretria,   claiming  Otherwise,   Ethiopia   would   be   embroiled   in   civil   war   that   may
      that   Asmara   supported   Ethiopian   army's   attacks   against   Tigray  expand   and  last   for  a  long  time  because   of  the  impetuousness  of
      region.   UN   reports   suggest   that  thousands  of   Ethiopians  fled  the  this Nobel Peace Prize Laureate!
      conflict zone to take shelter in tents along the border with Sudan,
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