Page 7 - Issue 26
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Vol.1 Issue 26, December 2020                        ELITE

             Political Money and Vote Selling:

                                 what is to be done ?
           Caroline Sherief, Marc Nabil, Mohamed Fawzi, Mariam Hefny , Adham Nasr eldin and Farah Ezzeldin

      During   the   last   period,   parliamentary   elections   were   held   in  goods   like   oil,   sugar   or   even   money   ,   a   phenomenon   that   is
                                                            particularly   found   among   the   poor   and   middle   class   .   Other
      Egypt.   This  event   was   accompanied   by   various  demonstrations.
      First, there were the election campaigns, then there was vote sale  students   have   heard   of   this   phenomenon   from   their   families   and
                                                            friends.  For  example,  one  of  the  students  recounted  a  situation  that
      business,   and   finally,   the   winning   voters   were   announced   and
      became   representatives   of  the   people.  It  is  important  to  mention  happened   in   front  of   his  cousin  who   was   shopping   and   he  heard  a
                                                            person shouting : " The voice, against 200 LE ".
      that the importance of elections hinges on giving people the right
      to   engage   in   the   service   of   public   affairs   and   the   transfer   of
                                                            Thus, we can conclude that almost all the pupils witnessed or heard
      power   from   one   representative   to   another   or   from   a   group   of
      representatives   to.   another   democratically.   This   is   why   the   “  about  this  situation  directly  from  their  circle  of  acquaintances.  It  is
                                                            an   indication   which   shows   the   degree   of   the   propagation   of   the
      Élite      "Decided   to   make  a  report   on   the  parliamentary  elections
      through  an  e  survey  whose  sample  was  of   university  students   in  phenomenon.
      Cairo to find out their views on the electoral process and also the
      phenomenon   of   the   sale   of   the   votes   that   s'   is   repeated   several  As   for   their   opinion   on   the   process   of   selling   votes,   there   was   a
                                                            consensus   of   their   rejection   of   this   phenomenon   which   leads   to
      times during the last years. We tried to get the different points of
      view  of   students  from  different  faculties  ;   Faculty  of   Economics  restricting   competition   between   those   who   succeeded   ssent   to
                                                            exploit   the   needs   of   individuals.   In   addition,   this   phenomenon
      and Political Science, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Commerce and
      Faculty   of   Communications   ,   Faculty   of   Medicine,   Faculty   of  eliminates   the   essential   objective   of   the   elections   which   is   the
                                                            credibility   and   the   freedom   to   choose   the   representatives   of   the
      Pharmacy,   and   Faculty   of   Engineering.   We   also   chose   our
      sample   of   students   of   different   ages   and   different   genders.  people   .   This   also   makes   us   ignore   those   deserving   of   whether
                                                            GHGs   in   parliament   who   have   the   skills   nece   ssaires   for,   really
      Complying   with  health   precautions,   the   interviews   were   done  s
      virtually using the video conference applications like zoom.   improve the current situation . The presence of such a phenomenon
                                                            forces  all  citizens  to  suffer  from  the  bad  choices   of  those   who  sell
      At   the   beginning,   we   asked   the   students   whether   they  their votes for goods or money that are not so important.
      participated  in  the  elections   or  not,  as   every  citizen  has  the   right
      to   participate   in   the   elections   if   he   fulfills   the   necessary  When asked for their opinion around the main causes of the spread
                                                            of  this  phenomenon,  they  replied  that  it   was  due  to  the  presence  of
      conditions   regarding   nationality   and   mental   health.   M   ais   the
      majority of them said that he did not participate in the elections.  ignorance   and  poverty,   and  the   deteriorating   economic   conditions
                                                            that   coincide   with   it.   price   increase   which   made   some   people
      After  discussing  the  reasons  for  their   abstention,  we  asked   them  essentially   indifferent   to   the   electoral   process.   In   short,   a   large
                                                            proportion   of   citizens   have   lost   hope   that   there   will   be
      if   there   were   any   voting   sales   cases   that   they   had   seen,   or   had
                                                            representatives who could change their living conditions for the
           heard of.There were students who saw sales of votes against
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