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Vol.1 Issue 26, December 2020                        ELITE

            Dr Sameh Fawzy, SENIOR RESEARCHER AT THE TECHNICAL bureau  OF

              D  E  V E  L  O P  ME    N  T   I  S     T H  E    S I  N E    Q U  A    N O N     O F   A N  Y

                                      E F  F E  C T I  V E     C I T I Z E  N S H I P

        Cairo : Ramy Magdy and Nadeen Hesham

                                                             by   reading   literature,   broadening   one  ’s   general   knowledge,
           Our   interview   this   month   is   with   Dr.   Sameh   Fawzy,   Senior
                                                             keeping   up  with  current   events  and   participating  in   civil  society
        Researcher   at   the   Technical   Office   of   the   Director   of   the
                                                             organizations.   However,   these   forms   of   participation   in   public
        Bibliotheca  Alexandrina   ,  a  B.Sc   in   Political   Science   1992,  he
                                                             life  don  ’t  necessarily  attract  this  type  of  student  as  much  as  they
        also  holds  M.Sc  and  PhD  in   Public  Administration  from  FEPS,
                                                             attract   an   active   student   who   cares   about   his   intellectual
        in   addition   to   a   Master   degree   in   Political   Development   from
        the  University  of   Sussex  ,UK.   Dr  Sameh  is  also  a  writer  in  Al-

        Ahram   and   Shorouk   News   ,and   published   many   books   and
                                                             Generally,   the   Faculty   provides   students   with   a   wide   space   in
        studies in Arabic and English.
                                                             which   they   can   broaden   their   horizons   by   thinking   about
                                                             domestic   and   internal   political   issues   and   their   relations   to   the
        •   How   did  your  relationship  with  the   Faculty   of  Economics
                                                             economy, which represents the infrastructure needed to continue
        and Political Science begin and why did you choose it?
                                                             shaping   their   intellectual   formation.   And   we   can   see   this   by
                                                             looking   at   FEPS   graduates;   while   some   grow   to   become
        I   earned   my   General  Secondary  Education   certificate   from   the
                                                             important   in   public   life,   others   –   with   all   due   respect   –   satisfy
        arts   section   with   a   score   of   90%   in   1988.   The   Faculty   of
                                                             with a mundane employed life. And these are life choices.
        Economics   and   Political   Science   at   the   time   required   a
        minimum   score   of  82%   and   it   was   among  the  top   faculties  for
                                                             • To whom is Dr. Sameh Fawzy grateful?
        arts   students,   especially   given   the   limited   options   available   to
        them   back   then.  I  considered  joining   the  Faculty  of   Languages
                                                             This   is   a   difficult   question   to   answer.   I  ’m   grateful   to   many
        but I found myself leaning more towards FEPS.
                                                             professors   and   colleagues   at   the   Faculty   but   I   don  ’t   want   to
                                                             mention   names   lest   I   forget   some   of   them.   There   are   some
        •   In  your  opinion,  how  does  FEPS   play  a  role   in  shaping   its
                                                             professors   that   I  ’ve   gotten   in   touch   with   personally   and   have
        students  ’ mindsets?
                                                             been  influenced  by.  I   feel   happy  and   humbled   at   the   same  time
                                                             whenever   I   hear   that   one   of   my   professors   has   referred   to   an
        Honestly,   it   depends   more   on   the   willingness   of   students
                                                             article   or   a   research   of   mine   in   a   public   lecture   that   I   didn  ’t
        themselves than on what the Faculty has to offer them. Because
                                                             attend.   But,   of   course,   I   must   mention   Prof.   Dr.   Attia   Hussein
        you  might  find   a   student   who  ’s   clever   in   terms   of  memorizing
                                                             Afandy, the supervisor of my master  ’s and PhD theses, whom I
         topics but lacks social awareness, which needs to be developed
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