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ELITE                                                           Vol.1 No.25, Nov. 2020

     Meeting (Mina Onci) Founder of The Francophone

              Youth Inititaive at Bibliotheca Alexandrina

                                                              content   that   might   be   displayed   in   any  event,   regardless  of   its
                                  edited and written by:      duration  from   the   one-day  event   to   the   three-month   event.  The
                                   Mirna Ossama               second one consists of two units that are put together which are
                                                              human resources and capacity building, as human resources are
                                        ____________          concerned   with   skills   and   capabilities,   in   the   first   place.   The
                                     coordinated by:          third   one   is   concerned   with   organization   and   logistics,   the
                                      Jozeph George           fourth   is   the   public   relations   unit,   and   finally,   the   fifth   unit
                                            ____              concerned   with   media   and   marketing,   for   those   interested   in
                                                              and   so   on.   Thus,   the   unit   head   is   responsible   for   appointing
                                                              committee   chairs  in   each  of   the  five   existing  committees.  The
        Alexandria: Mirna Ossama
                                                              work  team  was  trained  at  a  time  when   they  were  examining  the
                                                              proposed   ideas   and   selecting   the   appropriate   ones   to   achieve
        The   month   of   November   witnesses   an   interview   in   which   we
        meet   Mina   Onci,   founder   and   former   president   of   the  the set visions and required standards.
        Francophone   Youth   Initiative   at   the   Library   of   Alexandria,   in
        its   first   season,   until   it   was   led,   in   its   second   season,   by   the  Let  ’s   start   with   the   first   event   that   was   held   at   the   French
                                                              Institute   in   September   2017   under   the   name   of   "Debater",
        General Coordinator Amr Atiq.
        In   the   beginning,   the   idea   was   a   youth   initiative   that   they  which  aimed  to  work   on  the  skill   of  debate   or  the   dialogue,   in
        established   in   March   2017   when   the   initiative   was   launched,  general.   The   event   included   French   and   English   speakers,
        but   they   have   been   working   on   its   idea   since   mid-2016.   The  which  ended   with   a   competition  in  which  the  two   groups  were
        vision   and   goal  of  the  initiative  was,   first,  to  focus   on   building  separated,  with  the  contestants  from  each  group  having  debates
        the  Francophone  person,  especially  French  school  students,   but  between  them,  each  group  in   its  own  language,  and  ended  with
        it   was   not   limited   to   them,   but   was   available   to   all   French  the   win   of   "Saint   Jean-Antide"   from   the   French   speaking
        speakers,   in   addition  to  breaking   the   barriers  between  different  schools   group   and   the   "Saint   Franciscan   Ibrahimia"   school
        communities  such   as  the   French   community   and   those   of  other  from English speaking group.
        languages, since the Francophone community is very closed.  Then   comes   the  "Leader"   event,   which   was   held   at  the  "Notre
        The   beginning,  in  its   first  season,   was   the   formation  of   a   team  Dame  de   Sion"   school  in  Alexandria  in  October   2017,   with  the
                                                              aim   of   working   on   the   leadership   skill,   and   ended   with   a
        divided   into   five   committees   or  central   units;   the   first  one   was
         the academic committee which is concerned with the academic  competition in which the Second World War was simulated;
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