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ELITE                                                           Vol.1 No.25, Nov. 2020

              Violent upbringing in Egypt : Special Report

         Cairo:Carolin sherif ,Salma Yasser, Adham Nasr, Salma Bayoume, Assile Mostafa, Hania Bahaa
          No   society   is   unrest   and   crime-
                                               Due to the current spread of domestic
                                                                                  To   a   certain   extent,   we   can
                                               violence   over  the   past  few  years,  our
          free,   yet   a   society  ’s   ability   to
                                                                                  confidently   say   that   the
                                               team   has   decided   to   run   interviews
          face,   fight,   and    control
                                                                                  students    had    dissimilar
                                               about   the  discussed  topic  on   samples
          misconduct   is   what   might
                                                                                  opinions   about    domestic
                                               of   students   from   a   number   of
          differentiate   societies   from   one
                                                                                  violence.   A   fair   number   of
                                               faculties.   Surveys   were   conducted
          another.   After   being   slept   on   for
                                                                                  students   highlighted   that   most
                                               through   personal   interviews   with
          years,   domestic   violence   has   those   students   mainly   questioning  Egyptian   households   wrongly
                                               their   opinion   on   domestic   violence,
                                                                                  raise   their   children   lack   proper
          finally   grabbed   Egyptians  ’
                                               and  in   order   to  prevent   inaccuracy,   a
                                                                                  communication.   But   conflict
          attention   due   to   the   recent
                                               one   to   one   ratio   was   maintained
                                                                                  rose   when   defining   domestic
          upsurge   of   cases,   and   disputes
                                               between   males   and   females
                                                                                  violence,   whereas    some
          concerning   the   topic   have   rose
                                               interviewed,   and   intellectuality   was
                                                                                  students   thought   domestic
          ever   since.   Domestic   abuse   is
                                               taken   into   consideration.   The
                                                                                  violence   is   only   physical,   and
          violence,   or   in   that   sense,   abuse  questions included:
                                                                                  occurs   between   the   father   and
                                               1.   How   they   define   domestic
          in  a  domestic   setting  usually   due
                                                                                  his   children   (beating   the
                                               violence   and   if   they  ’d   recognize   an
          to   disagreements   on   issues   such
                                                                                  children   up   to   punish   them   for
          as family values and house rules.
                                               2. Causes of domestic violence
          Domestic   violence/abuse   may
                                               3.   How  it  affects  the  included   parties
                                                                                  Others   characterized   domestic
          cause    long-term     physical
                                               on both the short-term and long-term
                                                                                  violence   as   emotional   and
                                               4.   Their  opinions   on   how   Egyptian  ’s
          damage,    and   mental    and
                                                                                  psychological    abuse    to
                                               raise their children
          emotional   trauma   to   the   victims
                                                                                  children.   As   obvious,   both
                                               5.   Whether   or   not   they  ’ve   heard
          and    eyewitnesses   of    the
                                                                                  agreed   that   the   usual   receiving
                                               about domestic violence incidents
                                                                                  end   is   children,   and   not   a
                                               6.   The   government  ’s   role   in   facing
                                               the issue.                         partner.
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