Page 11 - issue-25 - en
P. 11

ELITE                                                           Vol.1 No.25, Nov. 2020
                                                                                Vol.1 No.25, Nov. 2020

         Most   interviewees   perceive   our   culture   as   that   with
         minimal   knowledge   about   proper   parenting,   stating   that
         the  lack  of  education  and  awareness  about  the  matter  has  a
         huge   impact   on   households.   A   great   number   of   Egyptian
         parents  think   violence  is   the  optimal  way   to  raise  children,
         where   kids   are   slapped,   whipped   using   belts,   and   beaten
         with  slippers  to   ‘acknowledge  their  mistakes  ’;  parent-child
         abuse   is   highly   common   in   almost   all   households.   The

         trauma   caused  due   to   domestic  violence   affects   the   victim
         on   both   the   short-term   and   long-term,   mentioned   the
         students.   Long-term   consequences   include   mental
         instability,   which   may   in   turn   affect   the   victim  ’ s   future
         relationships and families negatively. Similarly, short-term
         effects   are   psychological   too,   whereas   the   victim   may
         suffer   from   having   relatively   low   self-esteem,   low   self-
         confidence,   and   stubbornness.   Victim  ’s,   in   that   context,
         are   physically   and  mentally  scarred  for   life,   and  are   prone
         to being violent around others.

         The number of students implying that they  ’ve witnessed or
         heard   of   real-life   domestic   violence   cases   were   shocking.
         A   confession   written   by   a   student   explicitly   claimed   that

         she   saw   a   boy   commit   suicide,   particularly   due   to   the
         brutal treatment he got from his mom. An incident like this
         only   reflects   how   corrupt   our   society   must   be   to   turn   a
         blind   eye   on   such   matters.   However,   after   many,   many
         years,   and   much   more   cases,   measures   battling   domestic
         violence   are   finally   being   put   to   work.   One   student
         proposed   that   students   shouldn  ’t   get   their   bachelor  ’s
         degree   without   being   given   projects   on   the   matter.   Other
         sudents   suggested   that   campaigns   addressing   the   topic
         should   be   created,   providing   people   with   sufficient
         information  about  domestic  violence,  and  educating  future
         parents on how to create a safe environment for children to
         grow   up,   safe   and   comfortable.   A   few   students   also
         encouraged   government   intervention   and   the   passing   of
         laws   against   child   abuse   and   violence,   effectively
         controlling   parenting,   yet   others   have   lost   hope   in   our
         society,   indicating   that   domestic   violence   is   already

         embedded in our culture, and won  ’ t easily disappear.

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