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ELITE                                                           Vol.1 No.25, Nov. 2020

                                PAPER CASE

         *By: Prof. Nevine Mossaad, FEPS Political Science Professor
                                                                              translated by  : clarinda sherif

                                                             In that paper case , Magdy had collected all her papers: her passport, the
       Salwa   pressed   the   electric   glass   button   of   the   car   window   to
                                                             union  ’ s   card,   the   club  ’ s   one   as  well,   all   remaining   trust   receipts   from
       allow   the   Steam   made   from   her   breath   and   the   breath   of   the
                                                             the  value  of  the  renewal  of  the  apartment,  her  academic  certificates,  the
       person   sitting   at   her   left   to   leak   out.   A   smile   dripping   with
                                                             decisions   of   promotions,   the   letters   she   wrote   him   earlier,   literally
       sorrow   hangs   on   the   side   of   her   lip   as   she   describes   Magdi   as
                                                             everything.        In   the   midst  of   life's   troubles   and  also   due  to   the  lack  of
       “the   one   sitting   to   her  left  ”,   although   he   could   be  described   as:
                                                             experience she has, she has not noticed that without her papers she turns
       "her  husband  ”.   As   the   Glass  slides   down,  she   muttered   in   a  low
                                                             into   a   woman   with   no   memory   nor   identity.      Magdy   turned   her   into
       voice:   the   time   had   come   for   the   intersecting   circles   to   detach,
                                                             something like a Bedouin in the Gulf countries and became her key, her
       she took her seat back and relaxed.
                                                             only  way   to   access  work,   Club,  trade  union,   travel   and  life.   He  opens
                                                             her up for the transaction that pleases him, then returns her locked in the
       Her  disagreement  with  Magdy   this   morning  was  not  the  first   of
                                                             nationalized   holster  and  locks  the  cabinet  door  with  the  key.  In  the  few
       its   kind.   Even   this   one   wasn  ’t   the   most   violent   disagreement
                                                             hours of serenity in their fifteen-year relationship, she would sometimes
       throughout  their  history  together.  His   most  violent   disagreement
                                                             ask him: why do you keep my papers with you? And he said succinctly:
       with her was when he insisted that she should quit her job and be  to preserve them for you. She did not notice that his response implicitly
                                                             accused her of negligence and irresponsibility.
       completely   free   ,   asking   her   to     take   care   of   the   children,      and
       when he didn  ’t let her buy a car  because it was unjustified in his
       opinion, and when he became so  angry when she received a call  Salwa  has  admitted  to  herself  that  this  morning's  situation  she  had  been
       from   her   colleague   asking   her   about   the   predicament   of   her  planning   for   long   ago,   and   that   she   was   confident   when   she   asked
                                                             Magdy   for   her   paper  case   that  she   struck     a  chord  in  their   relationship
       illness. He always disagrees with her on her own ground, but not
                                                             since  she   reclaimed  the   key  from   him   to   herself,   and   by   herself.    Like
       once   did  she  manage  to  take  the  fight  to  his  land,  his  people  and
                                                             most   men   from   the   East,   Magdy   could   not   have   imagined   his   wife's
       his   connections,   she   hasn  ’t   even   tried.   And   all   the   time   they
                                                             infallibility being under her control. There is no specific explanation for
       were contending at a middle point. Apparently, they weren  ’t, she
                                                             the   timing   she   chose   to   blow   up   her   relationship   with   Magdy.   “Why
       was   the   one   who   was   subservient   to   him.   She   works   but   with
                                                             now  ”   will  forever  be  the  question  hanging  over,  asking  herself  whether
       half   an   effort   and   half   a   future,   she   moves  with  him  in  his   own
                                                             she   will   confront   yesterday,   today  or   tomorrow.  all  she   needed  was   to
       car and he goes with her to her consultations, she establishes her
                                                             gather   her   courage   and   be   willing   to   handle   the   consequences   of   her
       work  relations,  neighborliness  and  friendships  on  his  liking.  The
                                                             decisions:   loneliness,   people   criticizing   her   actions,   being   responsible
       curtain of petrified tears fell into her eyes, as she browsed fifteen
                                                             enough   for   herself   for   the   first   time   and   denying   the   Canaries   with
       pages  of   her  age,  obscuring   from  her   sight  the  scenes   of  people  whom   she   shares  complaint  and   hope.  this   morning,   she  found   herself
                                                             capable   to   accept   such   challenge,   and   willing   to.   Salwa   pressed   the
       and   cars,   that   she   did   not   need   to   see   it,   but   memorized   it   by
                                                             electric glass button again and renewed the air and felt less suffocated.
                                                             The  car   stopped   at  the   door  of   the  utility  in  which   she  works,   and   she
       But   after   all,   Salwa   believed   that   morning's   situation   would
                                                             took  it  from   her   straws,  opened  the   door  of   the   car  and   rushed   out,   as
       trigger   a   major   crisis   in   her   relationship   with   Magdy.   He   was
                                                             Magdy  pulled  her   out  of   her   arm   in  roughness,  asking:  What  about  the
       waiting   for   her,   holding   the   door  of   the  elevator   as  usual   when
                                                             paper   folder?  She  reclaimed   her   left  and   responded   in   defiance   with   a
       she   locked   the   appartement  ’s   door,   avoiding   any   eye   contact
                                                             voice   heard   by   the   one   sitting   next   to   her:   I   will   take   care   of   it.   He
       between   them,   saying   in   artificial   indifference:   when   we   come
                                                             turned   the  ignition  switch  and   drove  off,   but   she   waded   into   the   dirty
       back, I would like to get back my paper case, if u please. He left
                                                             water  of  the   road  and  didn't  fill  up.   I   looked  up  to  a  dusty   sign  hanging
       the   door   of   the   elevator   and   completely   emptied   to   the
                                                             from   one   of   the   windows   overlooking   her   institution   that   read:   down
       expression  of  surprise  which  brushed  his  face,  Salwa  went  on  to
                                                             wuth    Hosni  Mubarak,  and  she  smiled.  She  joined   her  arms  to  embrace
       answer   a   question   he   did   not   even   ask   her:   I   want   to   keep  this
                                                             nothing and ran like a child in the direction of the institution.
       case   with   me,   is   anything   wrong   with   this?   He   pressed   on   the
       elevator  ’s button again, in excess nervousness and she went right
       behind him letting no chance for any conversation.
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