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ELITE                                                           Vol.1 No.25, Nov. 2020

                              Why is the beautiful beautiful?

                                                                Dina Ibrahim Hassan

                                               FEPS Assistant Lecturer of Political Science

                                                               Some philosophers argue that beauty is harmony, whil  e others see
       "If   our   instincts   were   not   corrupted   by   toiletries,     and   were   not
                                                               that  the  secret  of  beauty  is  to  achieve  good,  as  Pl  ato   believes  that
       deviated   by   money,   then   the   sense   of   beauty   in   us   wo  uld   have
                                                               art   should   be   a   part   of   morality,   while   Aristotle   b  elieves   that
       remained   biologically   intact   and   beauty   would   retur  n   as   nature
                                                               beauty  is  what  achieves  symmetry  and   organic   unity   of  parts  in   a
       wanted  it  to   be,   so  that  it   became   the  flower  of  he  alth,   and  it   would
                                                               coherent whole, But the question remains, why are s  ymmetry and
       work  again   for   the   good   of  humanity  not  for   weakeni  ng  it,   and  here
                                                               unity  the  reason  for   the   joy  of  the  soul?   Does  beau  ty  remain   like
       good   meets   beauty,   and   we   reach   the   conclusion   of   P  lato   that   “the
                                                               this a matter of form and image?!
       principle  of  goodness  returns   to  the   law  of  beauty.  ”  Plato  is  hesitated
                                                               Other trends appear to try to answer this question,   including what
       in  this  matter  and  did   not  know  exactly   to   whom  he   kneeled,  for   the
                                                               Kant   and   Schopenhauer   went   to,   where   they   see   that   b  eauty   is
       strong   wisdom   of   Athena   or   the   bright   navigation   of   Aphrodite?!
                                                               what  brings  pleasure  in   soul  regardless   of  the   bene  fit  it   achieves,
       Perhaps   he   was   right   in   his   hesitation,   because   beaut  y,   as   we   have
                                                               but   it   pushes   you   to   meditate   involuntarily   and   sen  ds   you   pure
       seen, is difficult to make it a pillar of the state  . And what is the use of
                                                               happiness and that is the reason behind the apprecia  tion of beauty
       wisdom   if   it   does   not   make   us   love   the   beautiful   an  d   create   new
                                                               and artistic vitality. But why aren't things beautifu  l for doing their
       beauty  that  is   more   wonderful   than  what   nature   offe  rs?  Wisdom   is  a
                                                               functions?   Whatever   proves   its   harm   becomes   an   ugly     piece   -
       means,   and   beauty   in   the   body   and   soul   is   an   end,   a  nd   art   without
                                                               according   to   what   Nietzsche   says   -   and   every   useful     thing   is
       science   is   poverty,   but   science   of   science   without   art   is   barbaric.
                                                               beautiful,   loved   and   palatable   by   time,   and   everythi  ng   acquires
       Rather, divine philosophy is a means unless we expa  nd its horizons to
                                                               beauty   when   it   stirs   in   us   feelings   and  sends  us   st  rength   as   does
       include   the   rest   harmonious   tasks  of  life,   their   in  struments   and   their
                                                               the  feeling   of   light,   order  and   gentle  touch,  unlik  e   what  ugliness
       value. If philosophy is not motivated by the navigat  ion of beauty, it is
                                                               does   in  us   as  it   reduces   our   vitality   leading   us   to   disturbance   of
       not   worthy.   Nothing   has   been   removed   from   Egypt   exce  pt   for   the
                                                               nerves and digestion, and to conflict and quarrel.
       tremendous   greatness  that   it   raised   from   the   sand,   a  nd   in  everything
                                                               And   if   the   motives   for   feeling   beautiful   and   the   se  crets   of   what
       with   the  Greeks  but   its   wisdom   and   art   remained.  Th  e  live   beauty  is
                                                               makes   the   beautiful  beautiful  differ  between  achiev  ing   good   and
       the   greatest   kind   of   beauty.   But   it   fades   with   age   and   spoils      with
                                                               feeling   pleasure,   or   performing   the   function.   then   is   there   an
       time.  Only  the  artist  can   put  his   hand  on  the  fleeti  ng  image  and   print
                                                               objective   obstacle   for   a   person   to   experience   the   m  eaning   of
       it in a template that conquers annihilation. "
                                                               beauty?   Do   well-being   and   the   economic   level   of   ind  ividuals
       With these words, Will Durant concludes one of his   book chapters on
                                                               interfere   with   their   appreciation   of   the   meaning   of     beauty   and
       aesthetics   to  present   his   subjective   vision   of  philo  sophy  as   a   holistic
                                                               their   taste  of  arts?  Some   trends   see   that  art  does   n  ot   appear  in   a
       view  and  a  mind  that  simplifies  life  and  turns  diso  rder  into  unity  and
                                                               nation   until   the   accumulation   of   wealth   surplus   its     economic
       an   integrated   view  of  life.  Perhaps  what   stopped   me     in  what   he   puts
                                                               need,   and   the   same   applies   to   the   individual   when   hun  ger   does
       about   the   meaning   of   philosophy  and  the   science  of   aesthetics  is   our
                                                               not   concern   his   mind   or   is   not   severe,   then   the   sens  e   of   beauty
       urgent  need  to   re-raise   this   question  now   as   our   co  ncepts  of  beauty   -
       with   their   differences   -   are   subject   to   blatant   reje  ction   and
                                                               Can  we  think  about   the   concept   of  beauty  again  and  e  valuate  the
       exclamation,   and   the   question   of   changing   the   conce  pts   of   the
                                                               degree   of   beauty   we   reach   and   taste   differently?   Can     we   judge
       majority   of   us   about   beauty?   And   about   the   secrets      of   beauty?   Its
                                                               according   to  this   to   what   degree  we   are   harmed   by   th  e  ugliness
       criteria?  Will  we  still  never  know  why  the  beautiful    is  beautiful,  or   is
                                                               around   us   according   to   the   concept   of   beauty   that   e  ach   of   us
       it   possible   to   be   convinced   by   the   philosophical   atte  mpts   to   answer
       this question?
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